I want to load a bitmap from URL and then use palette API to get some colors from that.
On the documentation page, I cannot find the code for getting bitmap directly!
Can anyone help me out?
You can use target
method and cast the drawable to bitmap
val loader = ImageLoader(this)
val req = ImageRequest.Builder(this)
.data("https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/saluki/n02091831_3400.jpg") // demo link
.target { result ->
val bitmap = (result as BitmapDrawable).bitmap
val disposable = loader.enqueue(req)
If you using coroutines then use GetRequest
(with overloaded execute
method with suspend
) in your CoroutineScope as:
val loader = ImageLoader(this)
val request = ImageRequest.Builder(this)
.allowHardware(false) // Disable hardware bitmaps.
val result = (loader.execute(request) as SuccessResult).drawable
val bitmap = (result as BitmapDrawable).bitmap
val disposable = loader.execute(req)
Jul 6, 2020 at 13:09
for immediate execution.
Jul 8, 2020 at 20:53
according to Coil's own document, you can download a bitmap in the background in the following way:
val request = ImageRequest.Builder(context)
val drawable = context.imageLoader.execute(request).drawable