<a href="" id="someId" onclick="SomeMethod(self);"></a>

Where SomeMethod could have:

function SomeMethod(item)
  item.setAttribute('name', item.id);

Instead of:

function SomeMethod(itemId)
  var someItem;

  someItem = document.getElementById(itemId);
  someItem .setAttribute('name', someItem .id);


Silly example, but the idea is not to send in the id itself, but the actual control calling the method. I swear this can be done but have had no luck searching... partially because I'm not even sure what to search on.

I thought it was self, but self doesn't seem to be what I want when the script I have runs.

4 Answers 4


Use the this Keyword.

<a href="" id="someId" onclick="SomeMethod(this);"></a>
  • 6
    I knew it was something simple. Kind of felt dirty asking but oh well. Commented Mar 6, 2009 at 17:13

You actually don't need to pass this as an argument to your function, because you've got a click event object that you can access. So:

<a href="" id="someId" onclick="clickEventHandler()"></a>
function clickEventHandler(event) {

    if (!event) {
        event = window.event; // Older versions of IE use 
                              // a global reference 
                              // and not an argument.

    var el = (event.target || event.srcElement); // DOM uses 'target';
                                                 // older versions of 
                                                 // IE use 'srcElement'
    el.setAttribute('name', el.id);


I tend to use this approach in all function calls from HTML attributes:-


Then in the javascript do:-

function SomeMethod()
   this.setAttribute('name', this.id);

This has a distinct advantage when you may also assign directly to event handler properties in Javascript code:-

document.getElementById("someID").onclick = SomeMethod

If SomeMethod took the context element as a parameter it would very awkward to set up:-

function(id) {
   var elem = document.getElementById(id)
   elem.onclick = function() { SomeMethod(elem); }

Worse yet this would be memory leaking closure.

  • Elegant and flexible solution.
    – Alex
    Commented Jan 13, 2020 at 10:29

At this point: SomeMethod(this) - this returns window object so do not use it. The right way to use this keyword is making it context relevant, so use SomeMethod.call(this).

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