Here is how I would do it:
Select Identity(int, 1,1) AS PK, DatabaseID
Into #T
From @databases
Declare @maxPK int;Select @maxPK = MAX(PK) From #T
Declare @pk int;Set @pk = 1
While @pk <= @maxPK
-- Get one record
Select DatabaseID, Name, Server
From @databases
Where DatabaseID = (Select DatabaseID From #T Where PK = @pk)
--Do some processing here
Select @pk = @pk + 1
[Edit] Because I probably skipped the word "variable" when I first time read the question, here is an updated response...
declare @databases table
PK int IDENTITY(1,1),
DatabaseID int,
Name varchar(15),
Server varchar(15)
-- insert a bunch rows into @databases
INSERT INTO @databases (DatabaseID, Name, Server) SELECT 1,'MainDB', 'MyServer'
INSERT INTO @databases (DatabaseID, Name, Server) SELECT 1,'MyDB', 'MyServer2'
Declare @maxPK int;Select @maxPK = MAX(PK) From @databases
Declare @pk int;Set @pk = 1
While @pk <= @maxPK
/* Get one record (you can read the values into some variables) */
Select DatabaseID, Name, Server
From @databases
Where PK = @pk
/* Do some processing here */
/* ... */
Select @pk = @pk + 1
option to remove the constant re-checking of base tables and the locking that are there by default and cause most people to mistakenly believe that CURSORs are evil. @JacquesB very close: rechecking to see if the result row still exists + locking are the issues. AndSTATIC
usually fixes that :-).