I have a dataframe (SCWB) from 2001 with 5500 observations (people). The variable YRBIRTH captures the individuals' year of birth. I would like to create a new variable called AGE --> "AGE = 2001 - YRBIRTH" I can't seem to figure out how to code this variable into R - so far I have:

SCWB$AGE <- lapply(SCWB, transform, YRBIRTH = 2001 - YRBIRTH)

And an error message:

Error: unexpected '=' in "SCWB$YrBrth <- lapply(transform, SCWB$YRBIRTH ="

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Thank you!

1 Answer 1


If 'SCWB' is a data.frame, we can directly apply transform on the column 'YRBIRTH' instead of a loop with lapply

SCWB <- transform(SCWB, YRBIRTH = 2001 - YRBIRTH)
  • 1
    Thank you this was exactly what I was looking for!! May 24, 2020 at 19:39

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