Please advise how I'm getting the following error:
File "/Users/<username>/PycharmProjects/OOP/", line 8
print(f'Column names are {", ".join(row)}')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
import csv
with open('employee_birthday.txt') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
line_count = 0
for row in csv_reader:
if line_count == 0:
print(f'Column names are {", ".join(row)}')
line_count += 1
print(f'\t{row[0]} works in the {row[1]} department, and was born in {row[2]}.')
line_count += 1
print(f'Processed {line_count} lines.')
As I'm trying to read from the file and display the information as follows as per the link.
employee_birthday.txt :
name,department,birthday month
John Smith,Accounting,November
Erica Meyers,IT,March
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