I would like to notify a handler in my role by doing something like this:

- name: Notify handler
  notify: my_handler
  when: this_thing_is_true|bool

But Ansible just whines:

ERROR! no module/action detected in task.

I have tried various wedges, such as:

- name: Notify handler
  meta: noop
  notify: my_handler
  when: this_thing_is_true|bool

But that similarly whines:

[WARNING]: noop task does not support when conditional

Any suggestions?

  • 2
    Thanks. This helped me realize why we were getting this warning in our case, even though we didn't have any when: condition on the actual handler of the event. Your message helped me realize that the warning is referring to the task which notifies the "event handler" in question, even though noop was not present in the handler task itself. Commented Dec 14, 2023 at 11:42

3 Answers 3


@β.εηοιτ.βε shows a solution that prefers debug, but I think that the output from assert is cleaner.

debug code:

- name: with debug
  debug: msg=''
  changed_when: true
  when: something is changed
  notify: 'do stuff'

assert code:

- name: with assert
  assert: { that: true, quiet: true }
  changed_when: true
  when: something is changed
  notify: 'do stuff'

debug output:

TASK [mytask : with debug] *****************************************************
changed: [server] => {
    "msg": ""

RUNNING HANDLER [mytask : do stuff] ********************************************
changed: [server]

assert output (seems cleaner):

TASK [mytask : with assert] ****************************************************
changed: [server]

RUNNING HANDLER [myhandlers : do stuff] ****************************************
changed: [server]
  • 2
    I used this the other day, thanks to you. I like it.
    – fbicknel
    Commented Apr 8, 2021 at 1:41
  • I tried the code as-is and got FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'something is changed' failed. The error was: The 'changed' test expects a dictionary... Someone make the answer a fully working example please.
    – xpt
    Commented Feb 1 at 1:47

Please mind that running a task is not enough for an handler to be notified, you also need a task that creates a changed result.

You can achieve a change result on any task with the help of the changed_when option in Ansible.
Then, doing a simple debug could be an option.

The other ideas I had, but that did not really made sense in the end:

  • pause: but you cannot pause for less than a second
  • assert: but it feels silly to assert the same condition that you also need to put in the changed_that to notify the handler. You can still assert: that=true but it feels equally silly.
  • Maybe the most silliest of the ideas I could came with was a fail task with a failed_when: false.
  • command: 'true' is maybe less silly, compared to the above, but I am not totally convinced, still

Given the playbook:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    this_thing_is_true: true

    - debug:
        msg: 'Notifying handlers'
        # var: this_thing_is_true 
        # ^-- might be an alternative option to msg:
      changed_when: this_thing_is_true  
        - me 

    - name: me
        msg: 'I have been notified'

Gives the recap:

PLAY [localhost] **************************************************

TASK [debug] ******************************************************
changed: [localhost] => 
  msg: Notifying handlers

RUNNING HANDLER [me] **********************************************
ok: [localhost] => 
  msg: I have been notified 
  • 1
    Thanks for the edit and the solution. Meta: Did not know I could add yaml after the ``` and get syntax highlighting. Topic: Yeah, now that you mention it, the root cause must have been there was no way the task could determine if it produced a changed condition or not.
    – fbicknel
    Commented Jun 4, 2020 at 13:14
  • Agreed assert doesn't "feel right", but on the other hand the output is cleaner, see my answer below.
    – lonix
    Commented Mar 19, 2021 at 13:20

I learnt from both the given answers here. On top of that I was curious about why can't you always trigger a change for the sake of notify, then use a statement with it. After some testing it turns out you can! \o/

- debug:
    msg: Deciding what to do
  changed_when: true
  notify: "{{ ( res.json == [] ) | ternary( 'on empty object', 'on object exist'  ) }}"

Calls handler "on empty object" if true, otherwise "on object exist"

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