It's possible that I'm not understanding something but here's how I though this works:
Without a signing key (Or when using Unity's debug signing key) Android would claim an app to be unsafe but would let you install the app. However once you got a signing key android would still tell you to me careful, but wouldn't give you several warning messages about installing the apk file.
But this doesn't appear to be the case, I just created a signing key through Unity and I can even verify the key is active when looking at the apk on Virustotal.
For example, when I install an application called NewPipe this is the only message I get before install or updating the app. (I just noticed it's mentioning updating the application. That's because I already have the app installed, but even when that app wasn't installed the message looks very similar to this and there is still only 1 warning)
But when I try to install my own application, with or without a signing key, I get the message I got above with Newpipe, then I get this message:
If both apps have their own signing key, why does Newpipe only show one warning, while my app shows several?