In JavaScript, how can I know if a single Bit is On (1) or Off (0)?

function isBitOn(number, index)
  // ... ?

// Example:
let num = 13; // 1101

isBitOn(num, 0); // true   1
isBitOn(num, 1); // false  0
isBitOn(num, 2); // true   1
isBitOn(num, 3); // true   1

I know that in JavaScript we have Bitwise Operations. But How can I use them, or use any other method, the read single Bit?


2 Answers 2


JavaScript retains the legacy of the C binary operators. You use the "index" to shift the value 1 to the left, and then you AND the result to the number you're interested in:

function isBitOn(number, index) {
  return Boolean(number & (1 << index));
console.log(isBitOn(13, 0));
console.log(isBitOn(13, 1));
console.log(isBitOn(13, 2));
console.log(isBitOn(13, 3));
console.log(isBitOn(13, 4));
console.log(isBitOn(13, 5));
console.log(isBitOn(13, 6));

Note that that's the bitwise & operator, and not the && short-circuit logical operator.

Also note that those operators treat the numbers as 32-bit integers, so it can't work for very large numbers.

  • What am I missing? lets test num = 13 (13 is 1101) and index = 2. So (1 << 2) is 4 (4 is 0100). Now lets look at (1101 & 0100) is 0100. SO why when I run it I get 1 and not 0100. please help me understand Jun 7, 2020 at 19:13
  • Are you running the current version? It converts the computed result to a boolean before returning. Any non-zero number when converted to boolean is true
    – Pointy
    Jun 7, 2020 at 19:30
  • If you run the version without that change, you get 1 0 4 8 0 0
    – Pointy
    Jun 7, 2020 at 19:31
  • ok, this is a simple number to boolean conversion. I was thinking I'm missing something. Jun 8, 2020 at 8:18
  • 1
    @GilEpshtain To get 0 and 1, you'd use (number >>> index) & 1
    – Bergi
    Jun 8, 2020 at 13:40

Convert the number to binary, then check the bits:

function isBitOn(number, index) {
  let binary = number.toString(2);
  return (binary[(binary.length - 1) - index] == "1"); // index backwards

let num = 13; // 1101

console.log(isBitOn(num, 0));
console.log(isBitOn(num, 1));
console.log(isBitOn(num, 2));
console.log(isBitOn(num, 3));

  • This will not work unless you expect bits to be numbered from the most-significant to the least significant. Also if the input number is not an integer the resulting string from calling .toString(2) will contain a "." character.
    – Pointy
    Jun 7, 2020 at 14:44
  • @GilEpshtain note that it produces the wrong results.
    – Pointy
    Jun 7, 2020 at 14:44
  • @Pointy the most-significant bit is always at the start of the resulting string. And yes, it won't work with decimals, but the result for the 13 provided in the question is correct.
    – Wais Kamal
    Jun 7, 2020 at 14:46
  • 1
    @WaisKamal but note the expected results in the OP. Usually, in modern computing people expect bit 0 to be the least significant bit.
    – Pointy
    Jun 7, 2020 at 14:46
  • @Pointy do I get from you that the OP wants the bits from the right to left?
    – Wais Kamal
    Jun 7, 2020 at 14:47

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