
I have a dictionary, which at the moment has 2 keys, but could have more (Each key will always have a single list with the amount of values they are).

I need to do the following operation:

If in the first key I have 2 values in my list, and in the second key I have a value in my list, then I am looking to multiply those values, example:

dict_v = {1: ['12X58', '14X53'], 2: ['10X60']}

total = 2 * 1 = 2

If I had a 3 key dictionary:

dict_v = {1: ['12X58', '14X53'], 2: ['10X60'], 3: ['8X58', '8X67', '10X49', '10X54']}

total = 2 * 1 * 4 = 8

I would greatly appreciate the help provided, kind regards.

5 Answers 5


You can do the following:

import math 

dict_v = {1: ['12X58', '14X53'], 2: ['10X60'], 3: ['8X58', '8X67', '10X49', '10X54']}

print(math.prod([len(v) for v in dict_v.values()]))
  • Thanks, i tried with numpy bookstore, you gave me a great idea, best regards.
    – DaniV
    Jun 22, 2020 at 12:52

Use the reduce function to calculate the multiplication of the len of the dictionary values.

dict_v = {1: ['12X58', '14X53'], 2: ['10X60'], 3: ['8X58', '8X67', '10X49', '10X54']}
total = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, map(len, dict_v.values()))

You can use functools.reduce to multiply the lengths of all the list values (obtained by mapping len to each value):

from functools import reduce

dict_v = {1: ['12X58', '14X53'], 2: ['10X60']}

print(reduce(lambda c, v: c * v, map(len, dict_v.values())))

dict_v = {1: ['12X58', '14X53'], 2: ['10X60'], 3: ['8X58', '8X67', '10X49', '10X54']}

print(reduce(lambda c, v: c * v, map(len, dict_v.values())))



This one may not be so Pythonic but it illustrates the steps well

# Set the initial value of your variable to 1 (as you will do multiplication with it)
total = 1

# With the following line you will create a list of all the values in your dictionary (each value is a list)
# Then multiply the current value of your "total" variable with the LENGTH of each list

for value in dict_v.values():
    total *= len(value)


Without map(),the faster way could be:

from functools import reduce

dict_v = {1: ['12X58', '14X53'], 2: ['10X60']}
print(reduce(lambda x, y: len(x) * len(y), dict_v.values()))

map will cost extra overhead.

By Test(timeit.timeit:number = 100):

# print(reduce(lambda x, y: len(x) * len(y), dict_v.values()))

# print(reduce(lambda c, v: c * v, map(len, dict_v.values())))

Not sure math.prod.I couldn't run it.

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