I'm running a traefik stack on docker with consul as a backend store. My cluster is made of three nodes and has traefik configured to renew certificates with ACME every 3 months automatically 30 days before expiry. However, the certs are not getting renewed. I restarted the traefik docker containers and I assume something is messed up.

The certs are not getting renewed. I get this message:

time="2020-06-22T18:03:23Z" level=info msg="Node e1064c63-57b5-415c-9bde-5138c0ce8947 elected leader ♚"
time="2020-06-22T18:03:23Z" level=info msg="Starting ACME renew job..."
time="2020-06-22T18:03:23Z" level=error msg="Error calling Leadership listener: Existing key does not match lock use"

This cluster was set up by someone who's no longer with the company so I don't fully understand what's going on.

My traefik set up (v1.7.12)

            "\n--entrypoints=Name:http Address::80 Redirect.EntryPoint:https",
            "\n--entrypoints=Name:https Address::443 TLS",

Please help! Not sure how the key/lock works exactly or how am I supposed to release the lock/key and start traefik afresh safely.


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