I have created my own annotation for classes: @MyAnnotation, and have annotated two classes with it.

I have also annotated a few methods in these classes with Spring's @Transactional. According to the Spring documentation for Transaction Management, the bean factory actually wraps my class into a proxy.

Last, I use the following code to retrieve the annotated beans.

  1. Method getBeansWithAnnotation correctly returns my declared beans. Good.
  2. The class of the bean is actually a proxy class generated by Spring. Good, this means the @Transactional attribute is found and works.
  3. Method findAnnotation does not find MyAnnotation in the bean. Bad. I wish I could read this annotation from the actual classes or proxies seamlessly.

If a bean is a proxy, how can I find the annotations on the actual class ?

What should I be using instead of AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation() for the desired result ?

Map<String,Object> beans = ctx.getBeansWithAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);
// prints 2. ok !

for (Object bean: services.values()) {
  // $Proxy

  MyAnnotation annotation = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(svc.getClass(), MyAnnotation.class);
  // Problem ! annotation is null !
  • What kind of a proxy is it? (JDK versus cglib, etc). Jun 6, 2011 at 19:53
  • I guess Spring uses JDK proxies by default.
    – Leonel
    Jun 6, 2011 at 20:03
  • Seems like this would be a good enhancement to the framework. Have you looked into this since you posted quite some time ago? Aug 22, 2013 at 16:15

2 Answers 2


You can find the real class of the proxied bean by calling AopProxyUtils.ultimateTargetClass.

Determine the ultimate target class of the given bean instance, traversing not only a top-level proxy but any number of nested proxies as well - as long as possible without side effects, that is, just for singleton targets.


The solution is not to work on the bean itself, but to ask the application context instead.

Use method ApplicationContext#findAnnotationOnBean(String,Class).

Map<String,Object> beans = ctx.getBeansWithAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);
// prints 2. ok !

for (Object bean: services.values()) {
  // $Proxy

  /* MyAnnotation annotation = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(svc.getClass(), MyAnnotation.class);
  // Problem ! annotation is null !

  MyAnnotation annotation = ctx.findAnnotationOnBean(beanName, MyAnnotation.class);
  // Yay ! Correct !
  • 10
    How do you find methods that have the given annotation? Jan 29, 2013 at 20:14
  • This seems to (non-deterministically) only work part of the time, even though I'm running the same bundled application JAR multiple times on the same platform and JRE
    – Karsten
    Jul 13, 2016 at 8:06

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