I have searched through the documentation and Stack Overflow but can't find information related to obtaining data on items we send to the Speech to Text service using the custom header "X-Watson-Metadata: customer_id=my_customer_ID".

Are we able to query for items such as how many minutes per time period "customer_ID" used?

Are there other items available to query for this Speech to Text service?

1 Answer 1


The customer_id in IBM Speech to Text service is used to delete data associated with that ID. This can be done using th API function user_data with a DELETE request.

  • So they only allow us to tag the data for deletion purposes and do not allow us to query for any statistics for billing or other purposes?
    – Nelson
    Jun 25, 2020 at 16:28
  • I don't know if there is more available on large enterprise deployments. You may join the Watson developer Slack at wdc-slack-inviter.mybluemix.net/ and ask there. But that is all I know and what I have seen documented. Jun 26, 2020 at 7:04

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