I have a CSS3 animation that needs to be restarted on a click. It's a bar showing how much time is left. I'm using the scaleY(0) transform to create the effect.

Now I need to restart the animation by restoring the bar to scaleY(1) and let it go to scaleY(0) again. My first attempt to set scaleY(1) failed because it takes the same 15 seconds to bring it back to full length. Even if I change the duration to 0.1 second, I would need to delay or chain the assignment of scaleY(0) to let the bar replenishment complete. It feels too complicated for such a simple task.

I also found an interesting tip to restart the animation by removing the element from the document, and then re-inserting a clone of it: http://css-tricks.com/restart-css-animation/

It works, but is there a better way to restart a CSS animation? I'm using Prototype and Move.js, but I'm not restricted to them.

  • 1
    possible duplicate of How do I re-trigger a WebKit CSS animation via JavaScript?
    – Bergi
    Commented Jun 25, 2013 at 17:30
  • You can read in the updated blog post an other technique forcing to reflow the element: element.offsetWidth = element.offsetWidth;
    – mems
    Commented Oct 29, 2013 at 17:11
  • I found cloning was the best solution, as per your CSS-Tricks link.
    – Dunc
    Commented Feb 28, 2020 at 17:01
  • 4
    TL;DR: e.style.animation = 'none'; e.offsetHeight; e.style.animation = ...; Or, if you're using classes: e.classList.remove('a'); e.offsetHeight; e.classList.add('a');
    – Andrew
    Commented Oct 1, 2020 at 21:01

15 Answers 15


No need in timeout, use reflow to apply the change:

function reset_animation() {
  var el = document.getElementById('animated');
  el.style.animation = 'none';
  el.offsetHeight; /* trigger reflow */
  el.style.animation = null; 
#animated {
  position: absolute;
  top: 70px;
  width: 50px; height: 50px;
  background-color: black;
  animation: bounce 3s ease-in-out infinite;
@keyframes bounce {
  0% { left: 0; }
  50% { left: calc( 100% - 50px ); }
  100% { left: 0; }
<div id="animated"></div>
<button onclick="reset_animation()">Reset</button>

  • 15
    You can also trigger reflow by calling any of these properties/method, not just offsetHeight.
    – Fahmi
    Commented Jan 19, 2018 at 9:08
  • 3
    doesn't triggering a reflow have a performance hit? how does this compare to the selected answer, performance-wise?
    – eiko
    Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 16:03
  • 1
    @card100, could you provide an example?
    – user
    Commented Mar 8, 2019 at 5:46
  • 4
    For Typescript users, you'll want to use el.style.animation = ''; instead of the above, as animation is expecting a string.
    – acnebs
    Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 5:36
  • 4
    @D_S_X The way this works is by overriding your CSS with a style attribute, which takes precedence. Then you reflow and remove this override, and your element does its animation again.
    – acnebs
    Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 5:37

Just set the animation property via JavaScript to "none" and then set a timeout that changes the property to "", so it inherits from the CSS again.

Demo for Webkit here: http://jsfiddle.net/leaverou/xK6sa/ However, keep in mind that in real world usage, you should also include -moz- (at least).

  • Thanks Lea. Almost there :), If I change your animation to run only once I don't quite get the same effect. When I click, the animation doesn't start over again.
    – Leo
    Commented Jun 11, 2011 at 11:09
  • Thanks a lot! - But unfortunately i cannot get it to work in Safari. Chrome, Edge and Firefox are working as expected. i use following code: var anim = jQuery(mutation.target).find(".background.background-image:first").get(0); anim.style.WebkitAnimation = 'none'; anim.style.animation = 'none'; setTimeout(function() { anim.style.WebkitAnimation = ''; anim.style.animation = ''; }, 10); }
    – dheil
    Commented Feb 24, 2017 at 14:45
  • 1
    Not good enough, because sometimes a flaw could be seen if timeout is too long, and the effect isn't taken if timeout is too short. Not recommended if you need to restart animation when it is still playing.
    – Eric
    Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 13:25
  • 6
    It's 2019 now, vendor prefix for this should no longer be necessary.
    – user202729
    Commented Jan 28, 2019 at 2:12
  • 3
    To avoid the timeout problems described by @Eric, you can call void element.offsetWidth; to force a reflow in between the animation property changes instead of using a timeout.
    – John Qian
    Commented Oct 9, 2019 at 8:08

@ZachB's answer about the Web Animation API seems like "right"™ way to do this, but unfortunately seems to require that you define your animations through JavaScript. However it caught my eye and I found something related that's useful:

Element.getAnimations() and Document.getAnimations()

The support for them is pretty good as of 2021.

In my case, I wanted to restart all the animations on the page at the same time, so all I had to do was this:

const replayAnimations = () => {
  document.getAnimations().forEach((anim) => {

But in most cases people will probably want to select which animation they restart...

getAnimations returns a bunch of CSSAnimation and CSSTransition objects that look like this:

animationName: "fade"
currentTime: 1500
effect: KeyframeEffect
  composite: "replace"
  pseudoElement: null
  target: path.line.yellow
finished: Promise {<fulfilled>: CSSAnimation}
playState: "finished"
ready: Promise {<fulfilled>: CSSAnimation}
replaceState: "active"
timeline: DocumentTimeline {currentTime: 135640.502}

# ...etc

So you could use the animationName and target properties to select just the animations you want (albeit a little circuitously).


Here's a handy function that might be more compatible using just Document.getAnimations, with TypeScript thrown in for demonstration:

// restart animations on a given dom element
export const restartAnimations = (element: Element): void => {
  for (const animation of document.getAnimations()) {
    if (
      animation.effect instanceof KeyframeEffect &&
    ) {
  • If only this was supported across all browsers, Safari always late to the show.. Commented Aug 12, 2021 at 19:25
  • 1
    Note that the support for Element.getAnimations() and Document.getAnimations() is different. The latter seems to be supported by Safari, and everything but IE. So to be more reliable, use the latter, and you'll just have to do some extra manual filtering. Commented Aug 13, 2021 at 16:10
  • As of early 2024, I think it's safe to use either in any (major) browser. It's also curious that MDN compat data says that Element was supported in Safari before Document. I think that's wrong, but I only have my own anecdote and memory to go off of. Commented Jan 8 at 16:51
  • 1
    So clean. As of 2024, this should be the accepted answer. Finally no more hacks. The cancel() method worked for me even with simple transitions applied via CSS in an external .css file. That seems consistent with MDN's documentation, which states that the array returned by getAnimation() "includes CSS Animations, CSS Transitions, and Web Animations." Commented Jan 21 at 17:35
  1. Implement the animation as a CSS descriptor
  2. Add the descriptor to an element to start the animation
  3. Use a animationend event handler function to remove the descriptor when the animation completes so that it will be ready to be added again next time you want to restart the animation.


<div id="animatedText">
    Animation happens here

  function startanimation(element) {
    element.addEventListener( "animationend",  function() {
    } );

<button onclick="startanimation( 
  document.getElementById('animatedText') )">
    Click to animate above text


@keyframes fadeinout {  
    from { color: #000000; }    
    25% {color: #0000FF; }  
    50% {color: #00FF00; }      
    75% {color: #FF0000; }  
    to { color : #000000; } 
.animateDescriptor {    
    animation: fadeinout 1.0s;  

Try it here: jsfiddle

  • 2
    Using the animationend event is a good idea, although you don't really want to add a new eventlistener ever time the animation is run. Just add it to the div once.
    – pcoates
    Commented Feb 8, 2021 at 18:36

You can also use display property, just set the display to none.


and the change backs it to block (or any other property you want).


using JavaScript.

and it will work amazingly.


If you have a class for CSS3 animation, for example .blink, then you can removeClass for some element and addClass for this element thought setTimeout with 1 millisecond by click.


  },1 // it may be only 1 millisecond, but it's enough
  • Doesn't seem to be reliable. Didn't work for me with a 1 ms timer, starts working with higher values (in Firefox 67.) Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 13:07
  • @FabienSnauwaert thanks for your comment, you can be right, because I tested I guess on ~FF 50 Commented Jun 6, 2019 at 11:09

If you create two identical sets of keyframes, you can "restart" the animation by swapping between them:

function restart_animation(element) {
@keyframes spin1 {
  to { transform: rotateY(360deg); }
@keyframes spin2 {
  to { transform: rotateY(360deg); }
.spin {
  animation-name: spin1;
  animation-duration: 2s;
.alt {
  animation-name: spin2;

div {
  width: 100px;
  background: #8CF;
  padding: 5px;
<div id=_square class=spin>
  <button onclick="restart_animation(_square)">
    Click to restart animation

  • 1
    Wow this is actually quite clever! Simplest and working solution for me thanks!
    – Hitokage
    Commented Sep 22, 2023 at 9:59

The Animation API gives you full control over when and what to play, and is supported by all modern browsers (Safari 12.1+, Chrome 44+, Firefox 48+, Edge 79+) .

const effect = new KeyframeEffect(
  el, // Element to animate
  [ // Keyframes
    {transform: "translateY(0%)"}, 
    {transform: "translateY(100%)"}
  {duration: 3000, direction: "alternate", easing: "linear"} // Keyframe settings

const animation = new Animation(effect, document.timeline);


Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/cstz9L8v/



There is an answer on MDN, which is similar to the reflow approach:

<div class="box">

<div class="runButton">Click me to run the animation</div>
@keyframes colorchange {
  0% { background: yellow }
  100% { background: blue }

.box {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  border: 1px solid black;

.changing {
  animation: colorchange 2s;
function play() {
  document.querySelector(".box").className = "box";
  window.requestAnimationFrame(function(time) {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(function(time) {
      document.querySelector(".box").className = "box changing";
  • 1
    Two nested calls to requestAnimationFrame are not guaranteed to be adequate, and there's no technical reason they have to be adequate. This looks functionally better than setTimeout but in actuality it isn't. Commented Jul 17, 2019 at 20:44
  • @AdamLeggett Can you elaborate? I have recently had to look into doing this.
    – Sava B.
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 14:31
  • 4
    I am not as well versed in browser architecture as I'd like to be, but my understanding is that restarting the animation depends on the layout engine, which is in a different thread from the rendering engine. requestAnimationFrame waits for the rendering engine. The most technically correct answer is to use the animate function; the second most technically correct is unfortunately void element.offsetWidth. Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 15:14
  • This is awesome, adding a CSS class that contains the animation property Commented Mar 9, 2022 at 13:46

On this page you can read about restarting the element animation: Restart CSS Animation (CSS Tricks)

Here is my example:

        @keyframes selectss
            0%{opacity: 0.7;transform:scale(1);} 
            100%{transform:scale(2);opacity: 0;}
        function animation()
            var elm = document.getElementById('circle');
            elm.style.animation='selectss 2s ease-out';
            var newone = elm.cloneNode(true);
            elm.parentNode.replaceChild(newone, elm);
    <div id="circle" style="height: 280px;width: 280px;opacity: 0;background-color: aqua;border-radius: 500px;"></div>
    <button onclick="animation()"></button>

But if you want to you can just remove the element animation and then return it:

function animation()
    var elm = document.getElementById('circle');
    setTimeout(function () {elm.style.animation='selectss 2s ease-out';},10)

While still not ideal you could just restate your @keyframes with a different name, then just change the animation name when you want to run it again. This has the benefit of not needing JS in some use cases, like on hover or focus, etc:

@keyframes animate {
    0% {
        opacity: 0,

    100% {
        opacity: 1;

@keyframes animate_again {
    0% {
        opacity: 0,

    100% {
        opacity: 1;

div {
    animation: animate .2s ease-in-out;
div:hover {
    animation-name: animate_again;
setInterval(() => {
    $('#XMLID_640_').css('animation', 'none')

    setTimeout(() => {
        $('#XMLID_640_').css('animation', '')
    }, 3000)
}, 13000)
  • 1
    Please add an explanation to your answer explaining why/how it answers the question.
    – Alexander
    Commented Jun 7, 2022 at 15:42
  • So this creates an interval where the CSS animation property is removed every 13 seconds, and after those 13 seconds, the animation is added 3 seconds later. So it's a continuous animation cycle? 😅
    – Prid
    Commented Oct 6, 2023 at 14:25

Create a second "keyframe@" which restarts you animation, only problem with this you cannot set any animation properties for the restarting animation (it just kinda pops back)


<div class="slide">
    Some text..............
    <div id="slide-anim"></div>
    <button onclick="slider()"> Animation </button>
    <button id="anim-restart"> Restart Animation </button>
    var animElement = document.getElementById('slide-anim');
    document.getElementById('anim-restart').addEventListener("mouseup", restart_slider);
    function slider() {
        animElement.style.animationName = "slider";             // other animation properties are specified in CSS
    function restart_slider() {
        animElement.style.animation = "slider-restart";         


.slide {
    position: relative;
    border: 3px black inset;
    padding: 3px;
    width: auto;
    overflow: hidden;
.slide div:first-child {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background: url(wood.jpg) repeat-x;
    left: 0%;
    top: 0%;            
    animation-duration: 2s;
    animation-delay: 250ms;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.33,.99,1,1); 

@keyframes slider {
    to {left: 100%;}

@keyframes slider-restart {
    to {left: 0%;}

Note that with React, clearing the animation like this, a codesandbox I found helps.

Example I used in my code:

function MyComponent() {
  const [shouldTransition, setShouldTransition] = useState(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      // in my code, I change a background image here, and call this hook restart then animation,
      // which first clears the animationName
    }, timeout * 1000);
  }, [curr]);

  useEffect(() => {
    // then restore the animation name after it was cleared
    if (shouldTransition === false) {
  }, [shouldTransition]);
  return (
        animationName: shouldTransition ? "zoomin" : "",

I found out a simple solution today. Using the example provided in this answer, you can just append the element again to the body:

function resetAnimation() {
    let element = document.getElementById('animated');
#animated {
    position: absolute;
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    background-color: LightSalmon;
    animation: bounce 3s ease-in-out infinite;
@keyframes bounce {
    0% {left: 0;}
    50% {left: calc(100% - 50px);}
    100% {left: 0;}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="animated"></div>
<button onclick="resetAnimation()">Reset</button>

Using Chrome's developer tools, the append does not actually append the element to the body and just replace it, probably because the same reference to the element is used.

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