I am quite new in coding. Here's is the point I have an issue in PowerShell.
I get a variable from a csv which I called $datefinder = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm")
I get the right answer for this variable in my loop, but the in the same loop I need my variable $datefinder with 30 more days.
I've tried to create a new variable like:
$2ndeDate = $datefinder.adddays(+30)
My variable datefinder is a string so I need to pass it into date. I've tried many things.
Here is the first line of the csv file
7/8/19 22:27;457E6659_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf;ML;1367091
M/d/yy HH:mm
ord/M/yy HH:mm
. Please find a better example csv line where it is clear if the Month or the day comes first.