
In this example if the pointer is released outside the blue container it counts as a release. How to cancel the pointer event when the pointer reaches outside the blue container? I have tried ignore pointer and absorb pointer with my specific use case in which I have two children in a column and the listener is attached to the second one , but the first one is also emitting pointer up event. I want the functionality of PointerUpEvent as I want to get the localposition so onPanEnd of GestureDetector doesn't work.


4 Answers 4


Make a method that validates whether the pointer is outside the child or not. Then you can condition it inside your onTapUp event.

Something like this:

Get the Size of your child

final RenderBox childRenderBox = _childKey.currentContext.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
final Size childSize = childRenderBox.size;

Convert the child's local coordinate sytem to the global coordinate system in logical pixels

final Offset childPosition = childRenderBox.localToGlobal(Offset.zero);

Check whether the touchPosition(Pointer) is outside of the child or box

return touchPosition.dx < childPosition.dx ||
    touchPosition.dx > childPosition.dx + childSize.width ||
    touchPosition.dy < childPosition.dy ||
    touchPosition.dy > childPosition.dy + childSize.height;

Finally, you have a method that checks whether the pointer is outside or not.

bool _isOutsideChildBox(Offset touchPosition) {
final RenderBox childRenderBox =
    _childKey.currentContext.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
final Size childSize = childRenderBox.size;
final Offset childPosition = childRenderBox.localToGlobal(Offset.zero);

return touchPosition.dx < childPosition.dx ||
    touchPosition.dx > childPosition.dx + childSize.width ||
    touchPosition.dy < childPosition.dy ||
    touchPosition.dy > childPosition.dy + childSize.height;

Now on your onTapUp event check whether the touch's position is outside or not then do something out of it.

void _onTapUp(PointerUpEvent event) {
      dont emit release...
  • Hello , great answer thank you, I am just trying it! Can I know if wrapping the child in the layout builder to get a context is fine as opposed to using a key? Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 6:36

Wrapping Listener with LayoutBuilder and passing constraints from LayoutBuilder and details from PointerUpEvent can be used to validate if the touch is inside the bounds.

bool _isInsideBox(BoxConstraints constraints, PointerUpEvent details) {
    return details.localPosition.dx >= 0.0 &&
    details.localPosition.dy >= 0.0 &&
    details.localPosition.dx <= constraints.maxWidth &&
    details.localPosition.dy <= constraints.maxHeight;

Then simply call the function inside onPointerUp

void _onPointerUp(PointerUpEvent details) {
     //do something
    // do nothing

The more concrete solution is given by @Zolicious

  • this is the better approach than anything i guess
    – Yadu
    Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 8:39
  • What example have you used to test this code? If it works I can mark it as the solution Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 9:49
  • i didnt test this, i assumed u tested this, "looks" like a better approach
    – Yadu
    Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 10:22

If someone doesn't want make position, constraints and render objects, etc. Use this simple code. Instantiate a bool:

    bool move = false;

Use like this:

    onPointerMove: (_){
              moved = true;
    OnPointerUp: (_) {
              If (! moved) {do this;}
    OnPointerDown: (_) {
              SetState (() {
                _onCardTapped = !_onCardTapped;
                moved = false;

an easier approach would be to still use the GestureDetector, if you are looking for local position when the pan ends, use onPanEnd() with onPanUpdate()

when pan ends use the last DragUpdateDetails provided by onPanUpdate to get the position

  • If the pointer is leaving the child I want to get the last successful PointerUp values but using GestureDetector onPanUpdate continuously updates the values which isnot necessary when the pointer leaves the child I want to cancel the whole event Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 6:42
  • I tried mouse region it doesn't seem to work for me Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 6:54
  • pan update happens only when the pointer is down, if you are asking for last pointer location when the it was still inside the bounds of the box, use the above approach with MouseRegion
    – Yadu
    Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 7:08
  • I will try panUpdate but MouseRegion doesnot seem to work for me. Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 8:19
  • i tried on the simulator, the mouse region didnt work
    – Yadu
    Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 8:37

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