I require an assistant with coding a comparison between two tables in Python, that is currently done in winmerge.

The code is as follows

import pandas as pd

Last week's table

df1=pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\ri0a\OneDrive - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning\Python practice\pvmodules+_210326.csv")

This week table with new model numbers, and expire dates

df2=pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\ri0a\OneDrive - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning\Python practice\pvmodules+_210401.csv")

The table head is as below

enter image description here

the third column is PV_module certificate: Expiry date. I want to set a logic similar to excel logic '=IF (D2<DATEVALUE("19/04/2021"),"Expired","OK). The objective here is to delete the entire rows where the expiry date is below a specific date/ today's date.

Next,Importing dataframe_diff package

from dataframe_diff import dataframe_diff

Executing the difference

d1_column,d2_additional=dataframe_diff(df1,df2,key=['PV Module Certificate: Licensee/Certificate Holder Account','Model Number/s'])

With this package d2_additional shows if there are new rows associated with model numbers added this week compared to last week. enter image description here

However, I am trying to replicate the following output

enter image description here

The tasks involved are

  1. If some model, in this case a row, was included in the last week's table, but is missing in current week's table, I want to assign a new field "Expired" in a new column "Status" next to it./ Or create a new dataframe, d2_expires, from only those missing rows.
  2. Another dataframe, where the rows or the product models that were missing last week but added this week remains...As d2_additional.
  3. A third dataframe, where any changes (for example expiry date) for same rows (same cerificate + same model but different new expiry date) is captures as d3_comparison.

Now: as with

d2_expires = merged_df[merged_df._merge == 'left_only']

and with

d2_additional = merged_df[merged_df._merge == 'right_only']

I get the same output. Same rows are returned, which should not be the case. As seen from the screen below

Expires output

This is the same as additions d2_aDDITIONS IS THE SAME OUTPUT AS D2_EXPIRES

And Finally, I get an error with d2_comaprison.

d3_comparison = merged_df[merged_df._merge == 'both'].\
        loc[lambda x: x.PV Module Certificate: Expiry Date_last_week != x.PV Module Certificate: Expiry Date_this_week]


  • Thanks for fixing that. If your question is about understanding this code, then please describe what you understand of it and what specific part you don't. The question text itself right now seems very different though. It seems like you are looking for information on how to write a loop around this code? You're looking for dir to get a listing of files, and for to iterate over those files and apply this code to each? Commented Jul 8, 2020 at 19:59

1 Answer 1


You have to ensure to convert the dates into datetime format after loading the data, and rename the columns to something easier to work with (for example 'cert_holder', 'model_no','approval_date','expiry_date')

I want to set a logic similar to excel logic '=IF (D2<DATEVALUE("19/04/2021"),"Expired","OK). The objective here is to delete the entire rows where the expiry date is below a specific date/ today's date.

This (removing) can be done with:

df = df[df['expiry_date'] >= pd.Timestamp('today')]

# Or

df = df[df['expiry_date'] >= pd.Timestamp('2021-04-23')]

But this only works, if your expiry dates are in datetime format.

Next merge the two dataframes:

merged_df = pd.merge(df1,df2, how='outer', on=['cert_holder','model_no'],\
                     suffixes=['_last_week','_this_week'], indicator=True)

If some model, in this case a row, was included in the last week's table, but is missing in current week's table, I want to assign a new field "Expired" in a new column "Status" next to it./ Or create a new dataframe, d2_expires, from only those missing rows.

d2_expires = merged_df[merged_df._merge == 'left_only']

Another dataframe, where the rows or the product models that were missing last week but added this week remains...As d2_additional.

d2_additional = merged_df[merged_df._merge == 'right_only']

A third dataframe, where any changes (for example expiry date) for same rows (same certificate + same model but different new expiry date) is captures as d3_comparison.

d3_comparison = merged_df[merged_df._merge == 'both'].\
        loc[lambda x: x.expiry_date_last_week != x.expiry_date_this_week]
  • 1
    Thank you so much. I will try this and will update my findings. Please advise how to declare a column as date Time?
    – Mihan
    Commented Apr 24, 2021 at 19:18
  • 2
    df['column'] = pd.to_datetime(df['column']). If it does not recognize the d/m/y correctly, you have to extend with df['column'] = pd.to_datetime(df['column'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
    – Betelgeux
    Commented Apr 24, 2021 at 19:50
  • 1
    Thank you for helping. I am still facing issues. I have updated the post with the issues that arises. I can send you the files if I had an email address.
    – Mihan
    Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 5:17

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