
i want to return a Task <List> . via c# and .net 4.0 vs2019. don't useing asyns.

        CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource();
        Task  List<AccountList> task1 = new Task List<AccountList>(() => {
           using (var db1 = new SqlConnection(DbHelper.AccountConStr))        

                string sql = "select * from  AccountList where UseFlag='1'";
                    IEnumerable<AccountList> lst = db1.Query<AccountList>(sql);
                    return lst.ToList();
                    return new List<AccountList>();
        while (timeout > sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)

how to return a Task <List>

  • Your question is not that clear but you can return task based result using async await... please check the official doc for this via this link c-sharpcorner.com/article/async-and-await-in-c-sharp
    – vijay sahu
    Jul 11, 2020 at 16:35
  • The example uses async My environment is. Net 4.0. Async cannot be used
    – kkaa
    Jul 11, 2020 at 16:42

1 Answer 1


Why can't you return a


i.e just return task1.

Then in the calling method as you do not have async/await, you can achieve the same thing by using Task.ContinueWith(...). The stuff you want to do when the task resolves goes inside the ContinueWith. Async / Await is just synatx sugar.

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