I was looking at STL containers and trying to figure what they really are (i.e. the data structure used), and the deque stopped me: I thought at first that it was a double linked list, which would allow insertion and deletion from both ends in constant time, but I am troubled by the promise made by the operator [] to be done in constant time. In a linked list, arbitrary access should be O(n), right?

And if it's a dynamic array, how can it add elements in constant time? It should be mentioned that reallocation may happen, and that O(1) is an amortized cost, like for a vector.

So I wonder what is this structure that allows arbitrary access in constant time, and at the same time never needs to be moved to a new bigger place.

  • 5
    possible duplicate of STL deque accessing by index is O(1)? Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:02
  • 1
    @Graham “dequeue” is another common name for “deque”. I have still approved the edit since “deque” is usually the canonical name. Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:09
  • @Konrad Thanks. The question was specifically about the C++ STL deque, which uses the shorter spelling. Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:11
  • 3
    deque stands for double ended queue, though obviously the stringent requirement of O(1) access to middle elements is particular to C++ Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:11

9 Answers 9


A deque is somewhat recursively defined: internally it maintains a double-ended queue of chunks of fixed size. Each chunk is a vector, and the queue (“map” in the graphic below) of chunks itself is also a vector.

schematic of the memory layout of a deque

There’s a great analysis of the performance characteristics and how it compares to the vector over at CodeProject.

The GCC standard library implementation internally uses a T** to represent the map. Each data block is a T* which is allocated with some fixed size __deque_buf_size (which depends on sizeof(T)).

  • 37
    That is the definition of a deque as I learned it, but this way, it can't guarantee constant time access, so there must be something missing.
    – stefaanv
    Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:02
  • 25
    @stefaanv, @Konrad: C++ implementations I have seen used an array of pointers to fixed-size arrays. This effectively means that push_front and push_back are not really constant-times, but with smart growing factors, you still get amortized constant times though, so O(1) is not so erroneous, and in practice it's faster than vector because you're swapping single pointers rather than whole objects (and less pointers than objects). Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:17
  • 7
    Constant-time access is still possible. Just, if you need to allocate a new block in the front, push back a new pointer on the main vector and shift all pointers.
    – Xeo
    Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 12:19
  • 21
    @JeremyWest Why not? Indexed access goes to the i%B-th element in the i/B-th block (B = block size), that’s clearly O(1). You can add a new block in amortised O(1), hence adding elements is amortised O(1) at the end. Adding a new element at the beginning is O(1) unless a new block needs to be added. Adding a new block at the beginning is not O(1), true, it’s O(N) but in reality it has a very small constant factor since you only need to move N/B pointers rather than N elements. Commented May 30, 2014 at 8:31
  • 7
    Adding a new block at the beginning can be amortized O(1) if you keep a pointer to the first valid block, and every reallocation of the outer level vector leaves empty space at both the beginning and end of the allocated block. A standard vector doesn't do this but it's not a difficult modification. Commented Jun 30, 2014 at 4:54

From overview, you can think deque as a double-ended queue

deque overview

The datas in deque are stored by chuncks of fixed size vector, which are

pointered by a map(which is also a chunk of vector, but its size may change)

deque internal structure

The main part code of the deque iterator is as below:

buff_size is the length of the chunk
template <class T, size_t buff_size>
struct __deque_iterator{
    typedef __deque_iterator<T, buff_size>              iterator;
    typedef T**                                         map_pointer;

    // pointer to the chunk
    T* cur;       
    T* first;     // the begin of the chunk
    T* last;      // the end of the chunk

    //because the pointer may skip to other chunk
    //so this pointer to the map
    map_pointer node;    // pointer to the map

The main part code of the deque is as below:

buff_size is the length of the chunk
template<typename T, size_t buff_size = 0>
class deque{
        typedef T              value_type;
        typedef T&            reference;
        typedef T*            pointer;
        typedef __deque_iterator<T, buff_size> iterator;

        typedef size_t        size_type;
        typedef ptrdiff_t     difference_type;

        typedef pointer*      map_pointer;

        // allocate memory for the chunk 
        typedef allocator<value_type> dataAllocator;

        // allocate memory for map 
        typedef allocator<pointer>    mapAllocator;

        //data members

        iterator start;
        iterator finish;

        map_pointer map;
        size_type   map_size;

Below i will give you the core code of deque, mainly about three parts:

  1. iterator

  2. How to construct a deque

1. iterator(__deque_iterator)

The main problem of iterator is, when ++, -- iterator, it may skip to other chunk(if it pointer to edge of chunk). For example, there are three data chunks: chunk 1,chunk 2,chunk 3.

The pointer1 pointers to the begin of chunk 2, when operator --pointer it will pointer to the end of chunk 1, so as to the pointer2.

enter image description here

Below I will give the main function of __deque_iterator:

Firstly, skip to any chunk:

void set_node(map_pointer new_node){
    node = new_node;
    first = *new_node;
    last = first + chunk_size();

Note that, the chunk_size() function which compute the chunk size, you can think of it returns 8 for simplify here.

operator* get the data in the chunk

reference operator*()const{
    return *cur;

operator++, --

// prefix forms of increment

self& operator++(){
    if (cur == last){      //if it reach the end of the chunk
        set_node(node + 1);//skip to the next chunk
        cur = first;
    return *this;

// postfix forms of increment
self operator++(int){
    self tmp = *this;
    ++*this;//invoke prefix ++
    return tmp;
self& operator--(){
    if(cur == first){      // if it pointer to the begin of the chunk
        set_node(node - 1);//skip to the prev chunk
        cur = last;
    return *this;

self operator--(int){
    self tmp = *this;
    return tmp;
iterator skip n steps / random access
self& operator+=(difference_type n){ // n can be postive or negative
    difference_type offset = n + (cur - first);
    if(offset >=0 && offset < difference_type(buffer_size())){
        // in the same chunk
        cur += n;
    }else{//not in the same chunk
        difference_type node_offset;
        if (offset > 0){
            node_offset = offset / difference_type(chunk_size());
            node_offset = -((-offset - 1) / difference_type(chunk_size())) - 1 ;
        // skip to the new chunk
        set_node(node + node_offset);
        // set new cur
        cur = first + (offset - node_offset * chunk_size());

    return *this;

// skip n steps
self operator+(difference_type n)const{
    self tmp = *this;
    return tmp+= n; //reuse  operator +=

self& operator-=(difference_type n){
    return *this += -n; //reuse operator +=

self operator-(difference_type n)const{
    self tmp = *this;
    return tmp -= n; //reuse operator +=

// random access (iterator can skip n steps)
// invoke operator + ,operator *
reference operator[](difference_type n)const{
    return *(*this + n);

2. How to construct a deque

common function of deque

iterator begin(){return start;}
iterator end(){return finish;}

reference front(){
    //invoke __deque_iterator operator*
    // return start's member *cur
    return *start;

reference back(){
    // cna't use *finish
    iterator tmp = finish;
    return *tmp; //return finish's  *cur

reference operator[](size_type n){
    //random access, use __deque_iterator operator[]
    return start[n];

template<typename T, size_t buff_size>
deque<T, buff_size>::deque(size_t n, const value_type& value){
    fill_initialize(n, value);

template<typename T, size_t buff_size>
void deque<T, buff_size>::fill_initialize(size_t n, const value_type& value){
    // allocate memory for map and chunk
    // initialize pointer

    // initialize value for the chunks
    for (map_pointer cur = start.node; cur < finish.node; ++cur) {
        initialized_fill_n(*cur, chunk_size(), value);

    // the end chunk may have space node, which don't need have initialize value
    initialized_fill_n(finish.first, finish.cur - finish.first, value);

template<typename T, size_t buff_size>
void deque<T, buff_size>::create_map_and_nodes(size_t num_elements){
    // the needed map node = (elements nums / chunk length) + 1
    size_type num_nodes = num_elements / chunk_size() + 1;

    // map node num。min num is  8 ,max num is "needed size + 2"
    map_size = std::max(8, num_nodes + 2);
    // allocate map array
    map = mapAllocator::allocate(map_size);

    // tmp_start,tmp_finish poniters to the center range of map
    map_pointer tmp_start  = map + (map_size - num_nodes) / 2;
    map_pointer tmp_finish = tmp_start + num_nodes - 1;

    // allocate memory for the chunk pointered by map node
    for (map_pointer cur = tmp_start; cur <= tmp_finish; ++cur) {
        *cur = dataAllocator::allocate(chunk_size());

    // set start and end iterator
    start.cur = start.first;

    finish.cur = finish.first + num_elements % chunk_size();

Let's assume i_deque has 20 int elements 0~19 whose chunk size is 8, and now push_back 3 elements (0, 1, 2) to i_deque:


It's internal structure like below:

enter image description here

Then push_back again, it will invoke allocate new chunk:


enter image description here

If we push_front, it will allocate new chunk before the prev start

enter image description here

Note when push_back element into deque, if all the maps and chunks are filled, it will cause allocate new map, and adjust chunks.But the above code may be enough for you to understand deque.

  • You mentioned, "Note when push_back element into deque, if all the maps and chunks are filled, it will cause allocate new map, and adjust chunks". I wonder why C++ standard says "[] Inserting a single element either at the beginning or end of a deque always takes constant time" in N4713. Allocating a chuck of data takes more than a constant time. No?
    – HCSF
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 3:36
  • @HCSF It takes constant time because the time required to allocate the chunk is ~the same independently of the number of elements in the container. Even spending more time than an allocation of a single element it still continues to be constant.
    – lucas.exe
    Commented Apr 30, 2022 at 0:57
  • 2
    Is the code from a particular stdlib, or your own? Is it published anywhere, ideally with tests to see it in action? :-) Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 8:34
  • @lucas.exe, When the map is reallocated, the work scales with the total capacity of the map i.e. map_len = capacity / chunk_len. Commented Jun 6, 2023 at 18:35
  • @HCSF, not always constant, but amortized constant. Big difference. Something that has good amortized complexity can still have a bad worst case on any particular call. Commented Jun 6, 2023 at 18:35

Imagine it as a vector of vectors. Only they aren't standard std::vectors.

The outer vector contains pointers to the inner vectors. When its capacity is changed via reallocation, rather than allocating all of the empty space to the end as std::vector does, it splits the empty space to equal parts at the beginning and the end of the vector. This allows push_front and push_back on this vector to both occur in amortized O(1) time.

The inner vector behavior needs to change depending on whether it's at the front or the back of the deque. At the back it can behave as a standard std::vector where it grows at the end, and push_back occurs in O(1) time. At the front it needs to do the opposite, growing at the beginning with each push_front. In practice this is easily achieved by adding a pointer to the front element and the direction of growth along with the size. With this simple modification push_front can also be O(1) time.

Access to any element requires offsetting and dividing to the proper outer vector index which occurs in O(1), and indexing into the inner vector which is also O(1). This assumes that the inner vectors are all fixed size, except for the ones at the beginning or the end of the deque.

  • 4
    You can describe the inner vectors as having fixed capacity
    – Caleth
    Commented Jul 15, 2019 at 9:42
  • @Caleth in order to get O(1) access, it's not enough for the inner vectors to have fixed capacity - they must have fixed size. Except for the ones at the front and the back, of course. Commented Jun 29 at 1:08
  • That's what I meant. Every vector apart from the front and back are full, and they have a fixed capacity
    – Caleth
    Commented Jun 29 at 12:29

(This is an answer I've given in another thread. Essentially I'm arguing that even fairly naive implementations, using a single vector, conform to the requirements of "constant non-amortized push_{front,back}". You might be surprised, and think this is impossible, but I have found other relevant quotes in the standard that define the context in a surprising way. Please bear with me; if I have made a mistake in this answer, it would be very helpful to identify which things I have said correctly and where my logic has broken down. )

In this answer, I am not trying to identify a good implementation, I'm merely trying to help us to interpret the complexity requirements in the C++ standard. I'm quoting from N3242, which is, according to Wikipedia, the latest freely available C++11 standardization document. (It appears to be organized differently from the final standard, and hence I won't quote the exact page numbers. Of course, these rules might have changed in the final standard, but I don't think that has happened.)

A deque<T> could be implemented correctly by using a vector<T*>. All the elements are copied onto the heap and the pointers stored in a vector. (More on the vector later).

Why T* instead of T? Because the standard requires that

"An insertion at either end of the deque invalidates all the iterators to the deque, but has no effect on the validity of references to elements of the deque."

(my emphasis). The T* helps to satisfy that. It also helps us to satisfy this:

"Inserting a single element either at the beginning or end of a deque always ..... causes a single call to a constructor of T."

Now for the (controversial) bit. Why use a vector to store the T*? It gives us random access, which is a good start. Let's forget about the complexity of vector for a moment and build up to this carefully:

The standard talks about "the number of operations on the contained objects.". For deque::push_front this is clearly 1 because exactly one T object is constructed and zero of the existing T objects are read or scanned in any way. This number, 1, is clearly a constant and is independent of the number of objects currently in the deque. This allows us to say that:

'For our deque::push_front, the number of operations on the contained objects (the Ts) is fixed and is independent of the number of objects already in the deque.'

Of course, the number of operations on the T* will not be so well-behaved. When the vector<T*> grows too big, it'll be realloced and many T*s will be copied around. So yes, the number of operations on the T* will vary wildly, but the number of operations on T will not be affected.

Why do we care about this distinction between counting operations on T and counting operations on T*? It's because the standard says:

All of the complexity requirements in this clause are stated solely in terms of the number of operations on the contained objects.

For the deque, the contained objects are the T, not the T*, meaning we can ignore any operation which copies (or reallocs) a T*.

I haven't said much about how a vector would behave in a deque. Perhaps we would interpret it as a circular buffer (with the vector always taking up its maximum capacity(), and then realloc everything into a bigger buffer when the vector is full. The details don't matter.

In the last few paragraphs, we have analyzed deque::push_front and the relationship between the number of objects in the deque already and the number of operations performed by push_front on contained T-objects. And we found they were independent of each other. As the standard mandates that complexity is in terms of operations-on-T, then we can say this has constant complexity.

Yes, the Operations-On-T*-Complexity is amortized (due to the vector), but we're only interested in the Operations-On-T-Complexity and this is constant (non-amortized).

The complexity of vector::push_back or vector::push_front is irrelevant in this implementation; those considerations involve operations on T* and hence are irrelevant. If the standard was referring to the 'conventional' theoretical notion of complexity, then they wouldn't have explicitly restricted themselves to the "number of operations on the contained objects". Am I overinterpreting that sentence?

  • 9
    It seems a lot like cheating to me ! When you specify the complexity of an operation, you don't do it on some part of the data only : you want to have an idea of the expected runtime of the operation you are calling, regardless of what it operates on. If I follow your logic about operations on T, it would mean you could check if the the value of each T* is a prime number each time an operation is performed and still respect the standard since you don't touch Ts. Could you specify where your quotes come from ?
    – Zonko
    Commented Dec 28, 2011 at 9:52
  • 2
    I think the standard writers know that they cannot use conventional complexity theory because we do not have a fully specified system where we know, for example, the complexity of memory allocation. It's not realistic to pretend that memory can be allocated for a new member of a list regardless of the current size of the list; if the list is too large, the allocation will be slow or will fail. Hence, as far as I can see, the committee made a decision to only specify the operations that can be objectively counted and measured. (PS: I have another theory on this for another answer.) Commented Dec 28, 2011 at 16:52
  • 9
    This is a very interesting interpretation, but by this logic a list could be implemented as a vector of pointers too (insertions in to the middle will result in a single copy constructor invocation, regardless of list size, and the O(N) shuffling of the pointers can be ignored because they are not operations-on-T).
    – Mankarse
    Commented Mar 11, 2012 at 14:18
  • 3
    This is nice language-lawyering (though I'm not going to try to suss out whether it's actually correct or if there's some subtle point in the standard that prohibits this implementation). But it's not useful information in practice, because (1) common implementations don't implement deque this way and (2) "cheating" in this way (even if permitted by the standard) when computing algorithmic complexity isn't helpful in writing efficient programs. Commented Dec 22, 2015 at 19:31
  • 2
    @Kyle Strand, common implementations replace pointers to single Ts with pointers to essentially an fixed arrays of Ts (plus tiny amount of bookkeeping data kept either together with the pointers or with the arrays). They still have the same assymptotic characteristics, only constants typically work out to be more favorable.
    – seb
    Commented Jun 4, 2017 at 16:05

deque = double ended queue

A container which can grow in either direction.

Deque is typically implemented as a vector of arrays (a linked-list of arrays can't give constant time random access). The size of the arrays is implementation dependent, commonly a constant size in bytes (4096 for libc++, 512 for libstdc++, 16 for MS STL).

This approach means that with any element larger than half the fixed size, the deque effectively becomes a vector of pointers to single element allocations.

  • 7
    Its not quite vectors internally. The internal structures can have allocated but unused capacity at the beginning as well as the end Commented Dec 28, 2011 at 17:05
  • @MooingDuck: It is implementation defined really.It can be an array of arrays or vector of vectors or anything that can provide the behavior and complexity mandated by the standard.
    – Alok Save
    Commented Dec 28, 2011 at 17:24
  • 3
    @Als: I don't think array of anything or vector of anything can promise amortized O(1) push_front. The inner of the two structures at least, must be able to have a O(1) push_front, which neither an array nor a vector can guarantee. Commented Dec 28, 2011 at 19:12
  • 6
    @MooingDuck that requirement is easily met if the first chunk grows top-down rather than bottom-up. Obviously a standard vector doesn't do that, but it's a simple enough modification to make it so. Commented Jun 30, 2014 at 4:44
  • 9
    @ Mooing Duck, Both push_front and push_back can be easily done in amortized O(1) with a single vector structure. It's just a little bit more bookkeeping of a circular buffer, nothing more. Assume you have a regular vector of capacity 1000 with 100 elements in it at positions 0 to 99. Now when a push_Front happens you just push at the end i.e. at position 999, then 998 etc. until the two ends meet. Then you reallocate (with exponential growth to guarantee amortizet constant times) just like you would do with a ordinary vector. So effectively you just need one additional pointer to first el.
    – plamenko
    Commented Sep 4, 2016 at 11:12

I was reading "Data structures and algorithms in C++" by Adam Drozdek, and found this useful. HTH.

A very interesting aspect of STL deque is its implementation. An STL deque is not implemented as a linked list but as an array of pointers to blocks or arrays of data. The number of blocks changes dynamically depending on storage needs, and the size of the array of pointers changes accordingly.

You can notice in the middle is the array of pointers to the data (chunks on the right), and also you can notice that the array in the middle is dynamically changing.

An image is worth a thousand words.

enter image description here

  • 1
    Thank you for referring a book. I read the deque part and it's quite good.
    – Rick
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 1:19
  • @Rick happy to hear that. I remember digging into the deque at some point because I couldn't understand how you can have random access ([]operator) in O(1). Also proving that (push/pop)_(back/front) has amortised O(1) complexity is an interesting 'aha moment'.
    – Keloo
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 18:34

While the standard doesn't mandate any particular implementation (only constant-time random access), a deque is usually implemented as a collection of contiguous memory "pages". New pages are allocated as needed, but you still have random access. Unlike std::vector, you're not promised that data is stored contiguously, but like vector, insertions in the middle require lots of relocating.

  • 4
    or deletions in the middle require lots of relocating Commented Nov 20, 2013 at 22:18
  • If insert requires lots of relocation how does experiment 4 here show staggering difference between vector::insert() and deque::insert()?
    – Bula
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 10:39
  • 1
    @Bula: Perhaps due to miscommunication of the details? The complexity of deque insert is "linear in the number of elements inserted plus the lesser of the distances to the beginning and end of the deque." To feel this cost, you need to insert in the current middle; is that what your benchmark is doing?
    – Kerrek SB
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 14:32
  • @KerrekSB: article with benchmark was referenced in Konrad answer above. Actually I did not notice comment section of the article below. In thread 'But deque has linear insertion time?' author did mention that he used insertion at position 100 through all tests, which makes results a little more understandable.
    – Bula
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 15:31

deque could be implemented as a circular buffer of fixed size array:

  • Use circular buffer so we could grow/shrink at both end by adding/removing a fixed sized array with O(1) complexity
  • Use fixed sized array so it is easy to calculate the index, hence access via index with two pointer dereferences - also O(1)

A deque, short for "double-ended queue," is a versatile data structure in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). It allows for efficient insertion and deletion of elements at both the front and back ends.

Deques are usually implemented as a collection of memory blocks, which allows them to grow or shrink from both ends efficiently.

  • 1
    This answer doesn’t give any useful information that wasn’t already covered by the other answers.
    – Sneftel
    Commented Jun 30 at 14:05

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