I have an abstract class that is basically meant to serve as an "iterator interface". That is, it is an abstract iterator that a few concrete classes will later implement. To make the abstract class an iterator, I need to overload T operator++(int), where T is the class for which the operator is overloaded.

class AbstractClass {
    virtual AbstractClass operator++(int) = 0; // compile time error
    virtual AbstractClass& operator++() = 0;   // but this is fine

However, I cannot write AbstractClass operator++(int) as only pointers and references to an abstract class are permitted as return values.

Is there a way to require the subclasses to overload operator++(int) in plain C++11?

  • Aren't you already required to override it in order to be able to make instances of subclasses? (since it's a pure virtual method) Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 19:02
  • 5
    @anishsane, That signifies post-increment instead of pre-increment.
    – chris
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 19:03
  • 4
    I don't think this can be done. The derived type is runtime abstracted, and the return type is compile time. The only way to do this is to have AbstractClass only pretend to be abstract. Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 19:03
  • 1
    "I have an abstract class that is basically meant to serve as an "iterator interface". A Java refugee I presume? Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 23:20
  • 1
    You may also want to read Why can't I do polymorphism with normal variables? Tour Q should be closed as a dupe with a reference to that. Commented Jul 30, 2020 at 10:31

1 Answer 1


Abstract classes with virtual members are usually accessed through base pointers, so you teh caller doesn't know the derived type, but the return value from operator++(int) must be known at compile time by the caller, so there's no way to do this directly. I would simply not provide this method, and have your class be iterator-like, but not fully iterator-conforming.

However, there is a complex workaround, and that's to make a non-abstract iterator that itself can handle a virtual iterator as a member. This gets super complicated.

//abstract interface for iterators
template<class value_type>
struct virtual_iterator_interface {
    virtual ~virtual_iterator_interface(){};
    virtual std::unique_ptr<virtual_iterator_interface> clone()const=0;
    virtual value_type& deref()=0;
    virtual void increment()=0;
//wrapper implementation for iterators
template<class value_type, class It>
struct virtual_iterator : virtual_iterator_interface<value_type> {
    It it;
    virtual_iterator(It it_) : it(it_) {}
    std::unique_ptr<virtual_iterator_interface> clone()const
    {return std::make_unique<virtual_iterator>(it);}
    value_type& deref()
    {return *it;}
    void increment()
    {return ++it;}

static const struct from_iterator_t {} from_iterator;
// The iterator that holds a pointer to an abstracted iterator
template<class value_type>
class erased_iterator {
    std::unique_ptr<virtual_iterator_interface<value_type>> ptr;
    template<class It>
    erased_iterator(from_iterator_t, It it)
    :ptr(std::make_unique<virtual_iterator<value_type,It>>(it)) {}
    erased_iterator(std::unique_ptr<virtual_iterator_interface<value_type>> ptr_)
    :ptr(std::move(ptr_)) {}
    erased_iterator(const erased_iterator& rhs)
    :ptr(rhs.ptr->clone()) {}
    erased_iterator(erased_iterator&& rhs) = default;
    erased_iterator& operator=(const erased_iterator& rhs)
    erased_iterator& operator=(erased_iterator&& rhs) = default;

    //TADA! Iterator things are now possible!
    value_type& operator*(){return ptr->deref();}
    erased_iterator& operator++(){ptr->increment(); return *this;}
    erased_iterator operator++(){erased_iterator t(it->clone()); ptr->increment(); return t;}

In addition to complexity, this allocates iterators on the heap, which makes them very slow.

Also note: virtual members prevent inlining and optimization, so makes the code slower. For things like iterators, which are supposed to be lightweight, this can actually make the code a lot slower.

  • I don't quite get "Abstract classes with virtual members runtime-erase the derived type, but the return value from operator++(int) must be known at compile time." What type is erased by whom? Also, if whatever type is erased in runtime then it's known in compile time, no?
    – yujaiyu
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 19:26
  • 1
    @foki: The code that constructs the instance knows the type at compile time, but the code that calls the method calls it through a base pointer, and doesn't know the type, even at compile time. I reworded it to be clearer. Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 20:30

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