I want to send a DM to the user, who invited/added the bot to his server.
I noticed that it's displayed in the audit log. Can I fetch that and get the user or is there a easier way to achieve that?

bot = commands.Bot()

async def on_guild(guild, inviter):
    await inviter.send("Thanks for adding the bot to your server!")

3 Answers 3


With discord.py 2.0 you can get the BotIntegration of a server and with that the user who invited the bot.


from discord.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot()

async def on_guild_join(guild):
    # get all server integrations
    integrations = await guild.integrations()

    for integration in integrations:
        if isinstance(integration, discord.BotIntegration):
            if integration.application.user.name == bot.user.name:
                bot_inviter = integration.user # returns a discord.User object
                # send message to the inviter to say thank you
                await bot_inviter.send("Thank you for inviting my bot!!")

Note: guild.integrations() requires the Manage Server (manage_guild) permission.



Discord.py doesn't support Bot Integrations yet. Please check this Pull Request. Once it is merged, you can do integration.user to get the user who invited the bot.

  • integration.user does not guarantee that it is a bot's inviter because e.g. it could also be a StreamIntegration.
    – puncher
    Commented Aug 6, 2022 at 1:04

In discord.py 1.7.3 and lower does not have any actual method. However you can instead fetch the Audit Log Entry (documentation) and find out who invited the Bot from there.

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