I'm trying to running an PHP code from a URL so when the URL is opened the script must to run at server (Nginx).

URL example: https://my-server.com/deploy.php

I have 3 code blocks inside this script:

  1. git pull (works fine);
  2. rm -rf vendor (works fine);
  3. composer install (not worked);

Trying to debug, I change this part of code to:

$composer = shell_exec('composer install 2>&1');
echo "$composer";

Note: before use shell_exec I try with passthru and this didn't work too.

So I got this error:

sh: 1: composer: not found

And another time this error:

The HOME or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly

If a run the same file by SSH command, like:

php deploy.php

The code works fine and execute the composer install.

At first I thought could be the file permission, so I change to 777 and the error keeps happen.

Why the composer command didn't work when is called by URL? Anyone knows how to fix this?

  • PATH and HOME will differ for the Apache-run PHP setup.
    – mario
    Aug 13, 2020 at 23:24
  • Do you know how find the PATH e HOME values in Nginx Server? Aug 13, 2020 at 23:29
  • Probably /etc/default/nginx, or perhaps PHPs fpm pool config env[PATH]?
    – mario
    Aug 13, 2020 at 23:44
  • I got at composer documentation, in my case was /home/<user>/.composer. Aug 13, 2020 at 23:46

1 Answer 1


I resolve this, like Mario sad in comments adding the COMPOSER_HOME value.

So my code do like this:

$composer = shell_exec('
    export COMPOSER_HOME=/home/[user]/.composer;
    composer install 2>&1'
echo "$composer";

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