I am creating shared modules that contain dynamic imports for code splitting.

I have code like:

import('./moduleA').then(/* do stuff */)

However babel compiles this to a deferred require which stops Webpack from code splitting.

The transformed result looks like:

Promise.resolve().then(() => require('./moduleA')).then(/* do stuff */)

My .babelrc.json is simple and only contains:

  "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"]

How can I preserve the dynamic imports in my babel transformed code?

1 Answer 1


This is happening because @babel/preset-env by default includes a plugin, @babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import, that transforms dynamic imports.

There are two ways to stop this.

Option One (recommended)

You can exclude the plugin @babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import so the import() statements stay untouched. Update your preset options with the following:

  "presets": [["@babel/preset-env", { "exclude": ["proposal-dynamic-import"] }]]

Option Two

In the preset options add "modules": false, however this will also preserve ES module import/export statements.

  "presets": [["@babel/preset-env", { "modules": false }]]

This is described in depth in these GitHub Issues:

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