I have integrated Video and Audio calling feature using QuickBlox. We have a facing issue when the app was in the background, killed/screen locked, The iOS app not getting a call from other platforms.

I have mentioned the current application behaviour

1.iOS to iOS calls.

a. when the app is in the foreground, calling functionality works smoothly.

b. when the app is in the background, calling functionality works smoothly.

c. when the app was killed/screen locked, calling functionality works but not smoothly.

2.android to iOS calls

a. when the app is in the foreground, calling functionality works smoothly.

b. when the app is in the background, calling functionality not working.

c. when the app was killed/screen locked, calling functionality not working.

Anybody know how I can achieve this.

  • Are you using PushKit and CallKit?
    – Marco
    Aug 26, 2020 at 11:01
  • 1
    Yes, I am using PushKit and Callkit.
    – Kiran K
    Aug 27, 2020 at 11:52
  • So, the incoming call is triggered by a VoIP Push and therefore it can't be any difference between cases 1 and 2 in the iOS app side. If there is really a systematic difference between 1 and 2, the problem must be in the code that generates the push notification (the server?).
    – Marco
    Aug 27, 2020 at 13:20
  • Thanks, As I mentioned its working fine at iOS to iOS end. For Andriod, we have followed the instruction which QuichBlox SDK provided. Both side we have added @"ios_voip" : @"1", @"VOIPCall" : @"1", required keys. But point 2 b& c condition not worked.
    – Kiran K
    Aug 28, 2020 at 6:29


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