I know that i can get all the registered views in a region with :

var vs = mRegionManager.Regions[RegionNames.MainRegionStatic].Views.ToList();

and i can see there is the following code :


which is giving a list of Active View, but I'm having my region attached to a ContentControl which always has a single ActiveView. Am i misunderstood or is there a way to get the single active view?

4 Answers 4


var singleView = regionManager.Regions["MyRegion"].ActiveViews.FirstOrDefault();

  • Great that worked, but how is it that we have a collection for that? Jun 15, 2011 at 14:27
  • 2
    because SingleActiveRegion inherits Region Jun 15, 2011 at 14:33
  • Is there a way to get existing VMs using the IoC container (in my case DryIoc)? I tried this == _Container.Resolve<ShellViewModel> from the ShellViewModel and it evaluated to false. Nov 27, 2017 at 17:09
var singleView = regionManager.Regions["MyRegion"].ActiveViews.FirstOrDefault();

This is not correct, as it will just bring whatever view that got activated first. not the currently active/visible view.

Can't find a direct solution though, that doesn't involve custom implementation on View or ViewModel.

  • Interesting !! , but at the time it was what i needed. can you give more details ? Dec 6, 2011 at 21:36

Well, you could use the NavigationService Journal. It takes record of all the navigation that takes place in your application. So, you can get the name of the view like this:

string name = mRegionManager.Regions[RegionNames.MainRegionStatic].NavigationService.Journal.CurrentEntry.Uri;

Then you can get the view like this:


Sweet Right? :)


Using Xamarin.Forms & Prism, this works well for me. Change the regionName, change the View Model base to yours.

public VisualElement GetCurrentRegionView()
    var regionName = "MenuPageRegion";
    var region = RegionManager.Regions[regionName];
    var uri = region.NavigationService.Journal.CurrentEntry.Uri.OriginalString;
    foreach (var view in region.ActiveViews)
        var name = view.GetType().FullName;
        if (name.EndsWith(uri))
            return view;
    return null;

public CommonViewModelBase GetCurrentRegionViewModel()
    var view = GetCurrentRegionView();
    if (view != null)
        var binding = view.BindingContext;
        if (binding is CommonViewModelBase model)
            return model;
    return null;

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