I have a project where I have to use a table. I am using material-table. But I can't seem to get it to look right. The icons that are needed for the table are not showing and instead I get some placeholder texts.
Here is the code I am using to show the table. I have material-table and material-icons installed in the project.
class RegistrationList extends Component {
state = {
registrations: [],
infoButtonHandler(id) {}
componentDidMount() {
axios.get("http://localhost:3030/api/items").then((res) => {
let registrations = [];
res.data.forEach((registration) => {
let childeren = "";
for (let i = 0; i < registration.childeren.length; i++) {
childeren += registration.childeren[i].name;
if (i + 1 !== registration.childeren.length) {
childeren += ", ";
_id: registration._id,
name: registration.name,
childeren: childeren,
street: registration.street,
houseNumber: registration.houseNumber,
city: registration.city,
postalCode: registration.postalCode,
this.setState({ registrations: registrations });
rowClickedHandler(rowData) {
this.props.history.push("/RegistrationDetail/" + rowData._id);
render() {
let table = (
{ title: "familienaam", field: "name" },
{ title: "kinderen", field: "childeren" },
{ title: "dorp", field: "city" },
{ title: "postcode", field: "postalCode" },
{ title: "straat", field: "street" },
{ title: "nr.", field: "houseNumber" },
search: true,
onRowClick={(event, rowData) => this.rowClickedHandler(rowData)}
return <div>{table}</div>;