test_euclid_ask.h (only need to read 2 functions: euclid_slow, euclid_fast)

#pragma once
#include "included.h"

euclid_slow(int n, double* data1, double* data2, int* mask1, int* mask2, const double weight[])
    double result = 0.0;
    double totalWeight = 0;    
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (mask1[i] && mask2[i]) {
            double term = data1[i] - data2[i];
            result += weight[i] * term * term;
            totalWeight += weight[i];
    if (totalWeight==0) return 0; 
    return result / totalWeight;

euclid_fast(int n, double* data1, double* data2, int* mask1, int* mask2, const double weight[])
    double result = 0.0;
    double totalWeight = 0;
    double subResult[4] = { 0. };
    double subTweight[4] = { 0. };
    double subDiff[4] = { 0. };
    double subWeight[4] = { 0. };
    double subMask[4] = { 0. };
    int nstep4 = n - n % 4;

    for (int i = 0; i < nstep4; i += 4) {
        subMask[0] = mask1[i] && mask2[i];
        subMask[1] = mask1[i + 1] && mask2[i + 1];
        subMask[2] = mask1[i + 2] && mask2[i + 2];
        subMask[3] = mask1[i + 3] && mask2[i + 3];
        if (!(subMask[0] || subMask[1] || subMask[2] || subMask[3])) continue;            

        subDiff[0] = data1[i] - data2[i];
        subDiff[1] = data1[i + 1] - data2[i + 1];
        subDiff[2] = data1[i + 2] - data2[i + 2];
        subDiff[3] = data1[i + 3] - data2[i + 3];

        subDiff[0] *= subDiff[0];
        subDiff[1] *= subDiff[1];
        subDiff[2] *= subDiff[2];
        subDiff[3] *= subDiff[3];

        subWeight[0] = weight[i] * subMask[0];
        subWeight[1] = weight[i + 1] * subMask[1];
        subWeight[2] = weight[i + 2] * subMask[2];
        subWeight[3] = weight[i + 3] * subMask[3];

        subTweight[0] += subWeight[0];
        subTweight[1] += subWeight[1];
        subTweight[2] += subWeight[2];
        subTweight[3] += subWeight[3];

        subResult[0] += subWeight[0] * subDiff[0];
        subResult[1] += subWeight[1] * subDiff[1];
        subResult[2] += subWeight[2] * subDiff[2];
        subResult[3] += subWeight[3] * subDiff[3];

    for (int i = nstep4; i < n; i++) {
        if (mask1[i] && mask2[i]) {
            double term = data1[i] - data2[i];
            result += weight[i] * term * term;
            totalWeight += weight[i];
    result += subResult[0] + subResult[1] + subResult[2] + subResult[3];
    totalWeight += subTweight[0] + subTweight[1] + subTweight[2] + subTweight[3];
    //cout << "end fast\n";
    if (!totalWeight) return 0; 
    return result / totalWeight;

void test_euclid_ask()
    const int MAXN = 10000000, MINN = 1000000;
    double* data1, * data2;
    int* mask1, * mask2;
    double* dataPro1, * dataPro2;
    int* maskPro1, * maskPro2;
    double *weight, * weightPro;

    data1 = new double[MAXN + MINN + 1];
    data2 = new double[MAXN + MINN + 1];
    mask1 = new int[MAXN + MINN + 1];
    mask2 = new int[MAXN + MINN + 1];
    dataPro1 = new double[MAXN + MINN + 1];
    dataPro2 = new double[MAXN + MINN + 1];
    maskPro1 = new int[MAXN + MINN + 1];
    maskPro2 = new int[MAXN + MINN + 1];

    // ******
    weight = new double[MAXN + MINN + 1];
    weightPro = new double[MAXN + MINN + 1];
    MyTimer timer;
    int n;
    double guess1, guess2, tmp, total1 = 0, total2 = 0, prev1 = 0, prev2 = 0;
    for (int t = 5000; t < 6000; t++) {
        if (t <= 5000) n = t;
        else n = MINN + rand() % (MAXN - MINN);        
        cout << n << "\n";
        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            weight[i] = int64(randomed()) % 100;
            data1[i] = int64(randomed()) % 100;
            data2[i] = int64(randomed()) % 100;
            mask1[i] = rand() % 10;
            mask2[i] = rand() % 10;
        memcpy(weightPro, weight, n * sizeof(double));
        memcpy(dataPro1, data1, n * sizeof(double));
        memcpy(dataPro2, data2, n * sizeof(double));        
        memcpy(maskPro1, mask1, n * sizeof(int));
        memcpy(maskPro2, mask2, n * sizeof(int));
        int tmp = flush_cache();    // do something to ensure the cache does not contain test data
        cout << "ignore this " << tmp << "\n";
        guess1 = euclid_slow(n, data1, data2, mask1, mask2, weight);
        tmp = timer.getCounterMicro();
        total1 += tmp;
        cout << "time slow = " << tmp << " us\n";

        guess2 = euclid_fast(n, dataPro1, dataPro2, maskPro1, maskPro2, weightPro);
        tmp = timer.getCounterMicro();
        total2 += tmp;
        cout << "time fast = " << tmp << " us\n";

        bool ok = fabs(guess1 - guess2) <= 0.1;
        if (!ok) {
            cout << "error at N = " << n << "\n";
        cout << "\n";

    cout << "slow speed = " << (total1 / 1000) << " ms\n";
    cout << "fast speed = " << (total2 / 1000) << " ms\n";

Basically, the function computes a kind-of Euclidean distance between 2 arrays:

result = sum(weight[i] * (data1[i] - data2[i])^2)

but only in positions where both values are available (mask1[i]==0 means it's ignored, same with mask2). The normal code is in function euclid_slow.

So I tried to improve the code by processing 4 elements at once, hoping that SSE/AVX can speed this up. However, the result stays the same or slower(using g++ -O3 -march=native) or becomes 40% slower (using Visual Studio 2019 compiler, release mode (x64), -O2, AVX2 enabled). I tried both -O2 and -O3, same result.

The compiler made better optimizations than what I wrote. But how can I make it actually faster?

Edit: code to test the programs here

  • 2
    Processing 4 elements at a time doesn't magically vectorize, you would need at least -O3 for that... Commented Aug 30, 2020 at 16:26
  • 1
    Try clang? It seems to produce vector instructions. Commented Aug 30, 2020 at 16:39
  • 3
    Manual unrolling typically makes auto-vectorization harder for GCC; the compiler's vectorizer is looking for simpler loop structure. Also, you'll might need -ffast-math or an OpenMP pragma to auto-vectorize the reductions into result and totalWeight. Commented Aug 30, 2020 at 16:39
  • 1
    Another solution: yes, manual vectorization with intrinsics, or fast-math to let the rolled-up version vectorize. (But GCC doesn't always do a good job using multiple vector accumulators to hide FP latency; clang usually does.) Commented Aug 30, 2020 at 16:41
  • 2
    Things like subMask[0] = mask1[i] && mask2[i]; are hard to vectorize, since mask2[i] must not be accessed if mask1[i] == 0. Also, subWeight[0] = weight[i] * subMask[0]; could result in a NaN if weight contains infinities, so the compiler can't replace it by a more efficient bit-and operation. As @Peter said: Either don't manually unroll anything but let the compiler do it (usually requires -ffast-math, or a subset from that), or completely vectorize manually with intrinsics.
    – chtz
    Commented Aug 30, 2020 at 16:56


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