I’d like to have spring auto configuration which adds LogstashTcpSocketAppender.
What I have done:
- The LogstashTcpSocketAppender was added in to the LoggerContext from the LogstashAutoConfiguration.java
@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "logging.logstash.url")
public class LogstashAutoConfiguration {
private String applicationName;
private String logstashUrl;
public LogstashTcpSocketAppender logstashAppender() {
LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
LogstashTcpSocketAppender logstashTcpSocketAppender = new LogstashTcpSocketAppender();
LogstashEncoder encoder = new LogstashEncoder();
encoder.setCustomFields(String.format("{\"app_name\":\"%s\"}", applicationName));
return logstashTcpSocketAppender;
- After a while, the Spring Boot trigger a event will make the app reconfig. (for example I use Consul so I just change property in key/value storage, then spring refresh my context)
- It call the initializeWithConventions in the AbstractLoggingSystem.java
- then it will call the loadConfiguration in the LogbackLoggingSystem.java
- then it will stopAndReset(loggerContext). here it will stop all the appenders, and it will resetAllListeners();, which will clear the all logback listeners. (so I cannot use logback listeners for addition appenders again)
Are there correct way add Appender through spring auto configuration? How can I prevent remove LogstashTcpSocketAppender from LoggerContext when spring makes the app reconfig?