so I've been trying to figure this out but maybe I'm just beating my head against the wall. I'm trying to make a sass mixin that uses null arguments so that the argument will not be included unless a value is specifically assigned to the output like so:
// main mixin
@mixin fontSettings(
$font-size: null,
$line-height: null,
// if null, get the default value
@if not $font-size {
$font-size: -get-font-defaults(font-size);
// if null get, default value
@if not $line-height {
$line-height: -get-font-defaults(line-height);
// calculate font stuff
$font-size: $font-size * 1rem;
$line-height: $line-height * 1rem;
font-size: $font-size;
line-height: $line-height;
// map merge mixin
@mixin -set-font-defaults() {
$-font-defaults: map-merge($-font-defaults, keywords($defaults)) !global;
// function to get map values
@function -get-font-defaults($key){
@return map-get($-font-defaults, $key);
// default settings config map
$-font-defaults: (
'font-size': 1.2,
'line-height': 2,
and usage would be
p {
//output sets fontsize to 12px and line height to 20px
@include fontSettings;
my question is - is there any way to shorten this without having to do an @if validation for each argument? like using a @each loop to loop through the arguments? I keep getting invalid null operations unless I do a validation for each argument separately. if there's no way to shorten this with a loop, then I'll accept that since I'm a noob but if there is a way to shorten this I would appreciate some advise on how to do so. I plan on adding more arguments to the mixing, this is just a test with the two. thanks in advance for any help.