I need a conversion utility/script that will convert a .sql dump file generated on Mac to one readable on Windows. This is a continuation of a problem I had here. The issue seems to be with newline formatting in text files, but I can't find a tool to make the conversion...


12 Answers 12


Windows uses carriage return + line feed for newline:


Unix only uses Line feed for newline:


In conclusion, simply replace every occurence of \n by \r\n.
Both unix2dos and dos2unix are not by default available on Mac OSX.
Fortunately, you can simply use Perl or sed to do the job:

sed -e 's/$/\r/' inputfile > outputfile                # UNIX to DOS  (adding CRs)
sed -e 's/\r$//' inputfile > outputfile                # DOS  to UNIX (removing CRs)
perl -pe 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r\n/g' inputfile > outputfile  # Convert to DOS
perl -pe 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g'   inputfile > outputfile  # Convert to UNIX
perl -pe 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r/g'   inputfile > outputfile  # Convert to old Mac

Code snippet from:

  • 37
    The sed command for UNIX to DOS does not work for me on OS X Lion - it just inserts the text "r" at the end of each line. The perl command works though.
    – Ergwun
    May 18, 2012 at 6:59
  • 7
    OSX uses older version of sed. I use Homebrew for OSX, and installed gnu-sed. You use with the "gsed" command instead of "sed". That works.
    – John
    Nov 11, 2013 at 23:01
  • 3
    Use Homebrew to get the dos2unix and unix2dos packages instead.
    – Pratyush
    Aug 20, 2015 at 14:47
  • 11
    OS X Yosemite still has the same problem with sed, but you can work around it without installing Homebrew, gnu-sed or unix2dos: Use sed -e 's/$/^M/' inputfile > outputfile, where ^M is a control character produced on the command line via Ctrl+V Ctrl+M.
    – LarsH
    Oct 5, 2015 at 18:26
  • 3
    Another workaround for Mac OS (tested on 10.13.6 High Sierra): Place a $ before the single quote containing the sed command: sed $'s/\r$//' Explanation: bash decodes backslash-escapes in $'...' strings. See gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/ANSI_002dC-Quoting.html for details. Jan 22, 2019 at 1:41

This is an improved version of Anne's answer -- if you use perl, you can do the edit on the file 'in-place' rather than generating a new file:

perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r\n/g' file-to-convert  # Convert to DOS
perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g'   file-to-convert  # Convert to UNIX
  • 5
    The awesome thing about these scripts is that they show, with the regular expressions, EXACTLY what the end-of-line conversion needs to be to convert to either format, starting from anything.
    – pbr
    Jan 20, 2013 at 21:20
  • be careful with this on certain Cygwin/git bash installations on Windows systems. This may give you Can't do inplace edit on file: Permission denied., and delete the file. Look into other utilities instead.
    – Dennis
    Feb 12, 2014 at 17:59
  • Huge thanks for showing "Convert to Unix". I was after that way and your double answer helped me, and got my upvote.
    – null
    Jan 12, 2015 at 1:05

You can install unix2dos with Homebrew

brew install unix2dos

Then you can do this:

unix2dos file-to-convert

You can also convert dos files to unix:

dos2unix file-to-convert
  • 10
    For anyone that comes across this now, the Homebrew formula is now called dos2unix. You'll want to brew install dos2unix.
    – Geoff
    Apr 26, 2016 at 19:06
  • 15
    Actually, either brew install unix2dos or brew install dos2unix work fine. They install the same package. Use whichever name speaks to you :) May 19, 2016 at 16:44
  • 2
    Or with Macports: port install dos2unix.
    – Fang
    Sep 2, 2016 at 11:46

Just do tr delete:

tr -d "\r" <infile.txt >outfile.txt
  • 2
    Tried perl and sed, didn't work (I could have figured it out, wasn't worth a try). This worked great. Jun 4, 2014 at 18:43
  • This was the first solution I found to BBEdit's line numbers not matching the count of lines as I read them using Python (and not matching wc -l). Jul 18, 2014 at 4:36
  • 1
    this deletes all of the line breaks I actually still need to have line breaks but with \n
    – UserYmY
    Feb 10, 2015 at 13:36
  • "hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20031018164326986" also has a good write-up on how to use the tr command to perform various conversions. Use hexdump or similar to find out exactly what sort of end-of-line convention is now used in the file. May 4, 2015 at 20:41

You probably want unix2dos:

$ man unix2dos

       dos2unix - DOS/MAC to UNIX and vice versa text file format converter

           dos2unix [options] [-c CONVMODE] [-o FILE ...] [-n INFILE OUTFILE ...]
           unix2dos [options] [-c CONVMODE] [-o FILE ...] [-n INFILE OUTFILE ...]

       The Dos2unix package includes utilities "dos2unix" and "unix2dos" to convert plain text files in DOS or MAC format to UNIX format and vice versa.  Binary files and non-
       regular files, such as soft links, are automatically skipped, unless conversion is forced.

       Dos2unix has a few conversion modes similar to dos2unix under SunOS/Solaris.

       In DOS/Windows text files line endings exist out of a combination of two characters: a Carriage Return (CR) followed by a Line Feed (LF).  In Unix text files line
       endings exists out of a single Newline character which is equal to a DOS Line Feed (LF) character.  In Mac text files, prior to Mac OS X, line endings exist out of a
       single Carriage Return character. Mac OS X is Unix based and has the same line endings as Unix.

You can either run unix2dos on your DOS/Windows machine using cygwin or on your Mac using MacPorts.

  • unix2dos/dos2unix do not exist on my mac and I haven't found any place to install them- Do you know of any?
    – Yarin
    Jun 16, 2011 at 17:00
  • @mgadda: +1 - yes, I switched to homebrew from MacPorts a while back now and haven't looked back.
    – Paul R
    Jun 28, 2013 at 7:07
  1. Install dos2unix with homebrew: brew install dos2unix
  2. Run find ./ -type f -exec dos2unix {} \; to recursively convert all line-endings within current folder

vim also can convert files from UNIX to DOS format. For example:

vim hello.txt <<EOF
:set fileformat=dos

Conversely, if you need to go from DOS to UNIX:

vim hello.txt <<EOF
:set fileformat=unix
  • worked like charm just need to change dos to unix for mac Jul 8, 2022 at 6:06
  • To do the reverse just use :set fileformat=unix instead. I updated my answer to reflect this. Jul 8, 2022 at 21:44

Here's a really simple approach, worked well for me, courtesy Davy Schmeits's Weblog:

cat foo | col -b > foo2

Where foo is the file that has the Control+M characters at the end of the line, and foo2 the new file you are creating.


The following is a complete script based on the above answers along with sanity checking and works on Mac OS X and should work on other Linux / Unix systems as well (although this has not been tested).


# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6373888/converting-newline-formatting-from-mac-to-windows

# =============================================================================
# =
# =
# =
# = MODE is one of unix2dos, dos2unix, tounix, todos, tomac
# = FILENAME is modified in-place
# = If SCRIPT is one of the modes (with or without .sh extension), then MODE
# =   can be omitted - it is inferred from the script name.
# = The script does use the file command to test if it is a text file or not,
# =   but this is not a guarantee.
# =
# =============================================================================

modes="unix2dos dos2unix todos tounix tomac"

usage() {
    echo "USAGE:  $script [ mode ] filename"
    echo "MODE is one of:"
    echo $modes
    echo "NOTE:  The tomac mode is intended for old Mac OS versions and should not be"
    echo "used without good reason."
    echo "The file is modified in-place so there is no output filename."
    echo "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK."
    echo "The script does try to check if it's a binary or text file for sanity, but"
    echo "this is not guaranteed."
    echo "Symbolic links to this script may use the above names and be recognized as"
    echo "mode operators."
    echo "Press RETURN to exit."
    read answer

# -- Look for the mode as the scriptname
mode="`basename "$0" .sh`"

# -- If 2 arguments use as mode and filename
if [ ! -z "$2" ] ; then mode="$1"; fname="$2"; fi

# -- Check there are 1 or 2 arguments or print usage.
if [ ! -z "$3" -o -z "$1" ] ; then usage; fi

# -- Check if the mode found is valid.
for checkmode in $modes; do if [ $mode = $checkmode ] ; then validmode=yes; fi; done
# -- If not a valid mode, abort.
if [ $validmode = no ] ; then echo Invalid mode $mode...aborting.; echo; usage; fi

# -- If the file doesn't exist, abort.
if [ ! -e "$fname" ] ; then echo Input file $fname does not exist...aborting.; echo; usage; fi

# -- If the OS thinks it's a binary file, abort, displaying file information.
if [ -z "`file "$fname" | grep text`" ] ; then echo Input file $fname may be a binary file...aborting.; echo; file "$fname"; echo; usage; fi

# -- Do the in-place conversion.
case "$mode" in
#   unix2dos ) # sed does not behave on Mac - replace w/ "todos" and "tounix"
#       # Plus, these variants are more universal and assume less.
#       sed -e 's/$/\r/' -i '' "$fname"             # UNIX to DOS  (adding CRs)
#       ;;
#   dos2unix )
#       sed -e 's/\r$//' -i '' "$fname"             # DOS  to UNIX (removing CRs)
#           ;;
    "unix2dos" | "todos" )
        perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r\n/g' "$fname"  # Convert to DOS
    "dos2unix" | "tounix" )
        perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g'   "$fname"  # Convert to UNIX
    "tomac" )
        perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r/g'   "$fname"  # Convert to old Mac
    * ) # -- Not strictly needed since mode is checked first.
        echo Invalid mode $mode...aborting.; echo; usage

# -- Display result.
if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then echo "File $fname updated with mode $mode."; else echo "Conversion failed return code $?."; echo; usage; fi

On Yosemite OSX, use this command:

sed -e 's/^M$//' -i '' filename

where the ^M sequence is achieved by pressing Ctrl+V then Enter.

  • Also note that sed does understand backslash-escapes such as \r and ``\n` and therefore can also use these in the substitution. You don't actually have to input a literal control-M to refer to that character (or any other). The principle of using sed (and -i) to do any sort of conversion of this kind is a very good one, because, unlike tr, you are not limited to "one character at a time." May 4, 2015 at 20:44

Expanding on the answers of Anne and JosephH, using perl in a short perl script, since i'm too lazy to type the perl-one-liner very time.
Create a file, named for example "unix2dos.pl" and put it in a directory in your path. Edit the file to contain the 2 lines:

#!/usr/bin/perl -wpi

Assuming that "which perl" returns "/usr/bin/perl" on your system. Make the file executable (chmod u+x unix2dos.pl).

$ echo "hello" > xxx
$ od -c xxx (checking that the file ends with a nl)
0000000 h e l l o \n

$ unix2dos.pl xxx
$ od -c xxx (checking that it ends now in cr lf)
0000000 h e l l o \r \n


In Xcode 9 in the left panel open/choose your file in project navigator. If file is not there, drug-and-drop it into the project navigator.

On right panel find Text Settings and change Line Endings to Windows (CRLF) .

XCode screendumpscreendump from XCode

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