It's the first time I'm trying to run scripts on the Abaqus server from my university. The IT team provided me the credentials to access the server, but they don't know how to run scripts from there. I'm using Putty to connect to the server, and Filezilla to transfer files. I tried to run Python scripts from the work directory on the server, but this error came out:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SMAPylModules/SMAPylDriverPy.m/src/driverEnv.py", line 324, in envRunFile
  File "/home/gd00357/abaqus_v6.env", line 208, in <module>
    raise 'Cannot find the graphics configuration environment file (graphicsConfig.env)'

I couldn't find any documentation on how to run Python scripts, I hope it's possible in some way. How could I solve that error?

EDIT: Ok, apparently remote servers don't support any scripts that make use of the GUI. Now my question is: how do I import a model as input file (.inp) using a Python script? Is there a way that avoids that a Python script uses the GUI?

  • Can you update your question to show us the command you are using to run Abaqus?
    – brady
    Commented Sep 7, 2020 at 16:14
  • To run Python scripts without GUI I simply use: abaqus cae noGUI=script.py But it's not possible to do that when I'm using external servers, apparently, because my script rely on the GUI (it opens a .cae file and works on it)
    – Gianluca
    Commented Sep 7, 2020 at 16:26
  • You can copy and paste the abaqus_v6.env with necessary modifications to the working directory and run for other applications. In most cases CAE scripts can't be run in the cluster. But one can generate the *.inp files locally and run them in the cluster with abaqus j=<job-name> inp=<*.inp>
    – Anbu
    Commented Sep 7, 2020 at 16:50
  • Alright, that's what I thought. I would like to perform some sensitivity studies (MC, screening methods) that require quite a lot input files. Basically I should import the original input file, change some parameters to create a new one to be passed to a script that runs it. Is there a quick way to seek for some specific words (like Theta=X) in the imported .inp file and change them? And what's the best way to import files? I tried with .read(), but then I don't know how to search through the lines
    – Gianluca
    Commented Sep 8, 2020 at 7:32
  • One way to do it would be with the help of *PARAMETER keyword available in abaqus. We can give the values of a particular variable at the top of the *.inp file and replace the corresponding value inside the input file with the variable name. It's better to do this locally and generate n required input files and submit them.
    – Anbu
    Commented Sep 8, 2020 at 14:35

1 Answer 1


Abaqus has some built-in tools for scripting parametric studies.

Please read about parametric studies in the Abaqus manual here.

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