%Example: list files and folders
Folder = 'C:\'; %can be a relative path
jFile = java.io.File(Folder); %java file object
Names_Only = cellstr(char(jFile.list)) %cellstr
Full_Paths = arrayfun(@char,jFile.listFiles,'un',0) %cellstr
%Example: list files (skip folders)
Folder = 'C:\';
jFile = java.io.File(Folder); %java file object
jPaths = jFile.listFiles; %java.io.File objects
jNames = jFile.list; %java.lang.String objects
isFolder = arrayfun(@isDirectory,jPaths); %boolean
File_Names_Only = cellstr(char(jNames(~isFolder))) %cellstr
%Example: simple filter
Folder = 'C:\';
jFile = java.io.File(Folder); %java file object
jNames = jFile.list; %java string objects
Match = arrayfun(@(f)f.startsWith('page')&f.endsWith('.sys'),jNames); %boolean
cellstr(char(jNames(Match))) %cellstr
%Example: list all class methods
dir *data*.m
, for example