In Amazon Cognito, when selecting a user, I can see the auth events below, e.g.

enter image description here

My question is, how may I retrieve these auth events for displaying in the UI?

So far I have been using the Auth library in AWS Amplify to sign in and sign out, as part of an Angular app. I cannot see anything on the Auth class to do this.

1 Answer 1


On the client you can use Hub


import { Hub, Logger } from 'aws-amplify';

const logger = new Logger('My-Logger');

const listener = (data) => {

    switch (data.payload.event) {

        case 'signIn':
            logger.error('user signed in'); //[ERROR] My-Logger - user signed in
        case 'signUp':
            logger.error('user signed up');
        case 'signOut':
            logger.error('user signed out');
        case 'signIn_failure':
            logger.error('user sign in failed');
        case 'configured':
            logger.error('the Auth module is configured');


Hub.listen('auth', listener);
  • Thank you for the answer. I think this will set up a listener for new events, not allow me to retrieve historic events, is that correct? Sep 17, 2020 at 15:12
  • I think you will probably have to reach out to some aws-sdk apis to get this feature going Sep 20, 2020 at 15:01

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