I have a show which displays a form with fields populated from a document. I'd like to change the values in the field and then save the updated document.
I'm having trouble finding a clear, concise example of how to do this.
Seriously, just finishing this example would work wonders for so many people (I'm going to leave a lot of stuff out to make this concise).
Install Couchapp
This is outside the scope of my question, but here are the instructions for completeness.
Create a couchapp
Again, this is kind outside the scope of my question. Here is a perfectly concise tutorial on how to create a couchapp.
Create a template
Create a folder in the root of your couchapp called templates. Within the templates folder create an HTML page called myname.html. Put the following in it.
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<form method='post' action='#'>
Hello <input type='text' name='name' value='{{ name }}'>
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'>
Create a show
See the tutorial above for hwo to do this.
Add this code to a show called myname.
function(doc, req) {
if (doc) {
var ddoc = this
var Mustache = require("vendor/couchapp/lib/mustache");
var data = {
title: "The Name",
name: "Bobbert"
return Mustache.to_html(ddoc.templates.myname, data)
} else {
return ('nothing here baby')
Update the document with a new name by ...
So who can complete this step via both the client side and the server side?
Please don't point me to the guide, I need to read it in your words.
Although the return value isn't pretty, just posting a form to the update handler will update the document.