When using the nuget Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB and its DocumentClient class you can get the compiled query that will be executed against cosmos. Like so:

var documentClient = new DocumentClient(new Uri(endpoint), authKey);

var query = documentClient
    .CreateDocumentQuery<Product>(collectionUrl, queryOptions)
    .Where(x => x.Id == "apple-iphone")
    .Select(x => new

// Here you can inspect the compiled query: "SELECT VALUE {"Id": root["id"]} FROM root WHERE (root["id"] = "apple-iphone")" 
var rawQuery = query.ToString();

However when using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos, I dont see any compiled query or how it can be extracted when debugging and inspecting the variables:

var container = new CosmosClientBuilder(endpoint, authKey)
    .WithThrottlingRetryOptions(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), 10)
    .GetContainer(databaseId, collectionId);

var query = container
    .GetItemLinqQueryable<Product>(requestOptions: queryOptions)
    .Where(x => x.Id == "apple-iphone")
    .Select(x => new

// How do I get the compiled query here???
var rawQuery = query.ToString();

Is there anyway to get the compiled query that will be executed against cosmos when using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos?

1 Answer 1


Before you call ToFeedIterator(), you can call queryable.ToQueryDefinition().QueryText on the IQueryable. You can also call ToString() directly to get the SQL query definition, just like in v2.

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