My Python test script causes our product to raise Windows notifications ("Toasts"). How can my python script verify that the notifications are indeed raised?

I see it's possible to make a notification listener in C# using Windows.UI.Notifications.Management.UserNotificationListener (ref), And I see I can make my own notifications in Python using win10toast - but how do I listen to othe apps' notifications?

2 Answers 2


You can use pywinrt to access the bindings in python. A basic example would look something like this:

from winrt.windows.ui.notifications.management import UserNotificationListener, UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus
from winrt.windows.ui.notifications import NotificationKinds, KnownNotificationBindings

if not ApiInformation.is_type_present("Windows.UI.Notifications.Management.UserNotificationListener"):
    print("UserNotificationListener is not supported on this device.")

listener = UserNotificationListener.get_current()
accessStatus = await listener.request_access_async()

if accessStatus != UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus.ALLOWED:
    print("Access to UserNotificationListener is not allowed.")

def handler(listener, event):
    notification = listener.get_notification(event.user_notification_id)

    # get some app info if available
    if hasattr(notification, "app_info"):
        print("App Name: ", notification.app_info.display_info.display_name)

  • I don't work on the same product anymore, so I can't verify the answer. It does sound like the right solution, so accepted, thanks!
    – Jonathan
    Commented Mar 23, 2022 at 8:09
  • listener.add_notification_changed(handler) worked for me
    – Luca
    Commented Sep 8, 2022 at 6:39
  • @Luca Great, I've updated the post accordingly. Commented Sep 8, 2022 at 10:07

Searching python windows notification listener on google brings up only this ok-ish result but it is not complete.

Since i couldn't find any self contained example on how to do it, here is a fully working code:

from winrt.windows.ui.notifications.management import UserNotificationListener
from winrt.windows.ui.notifications import KnownNotificationBindings

def handler(asd, aasd):
    unotification = asd.get_notification(aasd.user_notification_id)
    # print(dir(unotification))
    if hasattr(unotification, "app_info"):
        print("App Name: ", unotification.app_info.display_info.display_name)
        text_sequence = unotification.notification.visual.get_binding(KnownNotificationBindings.get_toast_generic()).get_text_elements()

        it = iter(text_sequence)
        print("Notification title: ", it.current.text)
        while True:
            next(it, None)
            if it.has_current:

listener = UserNotificationListener.get_current()

while True: pass

tested on windows 10 and winrt v1.0.21033.1

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