I'm trying to deploy an AWS API with serverless.com

When I do:

sls --stage=dev --aws-profile=myprofile deploy --force

I get the following warning:

Configuration warning at 'functions.app.events[0]': unsupported function event

My serverless.yml contains the section:

    handler: src/index.handler
    memorySize: 3008
      - httpApi:
        method: '*'
        path: '*'
          name: serviceAuthorizer
          scopes: # Optional
            - user.id
            - user.email

What is wrong with the events section?

  • Why is the path a '*'? Did you mean '/'?
    – ultimoTG
    Commented Sep 26, 2020 at 18:55
  • I want all paths to be handled by this function. Anyway if i use path: '/' I still get the warning Commented Sep 26, 2020 at 23:39
  • Since you're trying to catch all methods and any path, try this events: - httpApi: '*' as decribed here - serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/events/http-api/…
    – ultimoTG
    Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 0:09
  • Removed method and path and added wildcard. With that I get: Configuration warning at 'functions.app.events[0]': unrecognized property 'authorizer' Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 0:14
  • Authorizer config is probably not supported for catch all and any scenarios? I'm not sure though, it doesn't say that anywhere in the docs.
    – ultimoTG
    Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 0:16

3 Answers 3


The issue is indeed indentation. The indentation on this is weird so I will explain it below. Every · is a space:

····handler: handler.hello
······- http:
··········path: /hello
··········method: get

Some pointers:

  • There is a space after the - http: hyphen.
  • The next line is indented oddly - this is what's causing the issue. Rather than just two spaces of indent after defining our event type (http in my case), there are actually 4. I don't know why but that's what it demands.

Another tip: if you find your text editor is auto-formatting your YAML file and replacing the space indentation with tabs or whatever, add a .editorconfig file to the root with these settings:

indent_size = 2
indent_style = spaces
  • 4
    You saved my day... and now let somebody tell me that hunting for missing ; is bigger problem than hunting for missing two spaces... I almost pulled half of my hair today.
    – Greg0ry
    Commented Mar 10, 2021 at 11:06
  • 3
    dude. You just made my day. It just requires 4 spaces below - http: THANK YOU SO MUCH Commented Mar 22, 2021 at 15:39
  • My hero, seriously.
    – Heydiddly
    Commented Jan 12, 2022 at 11:59

I had a similar issue. The problem was with indentation. Try to fix it like this:

- httpApi:
    method: '*'
    path: '*'

I found the similer issue, I solve by remove the prefix sapace from http

events: - http: path: /PostFunction method: POST

this is the correct one events:

  • http: path: /PostFunction method: POST

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