I am facing the same problem as you. The argument since
and until
are not available anymore since version 3.8 of api.user_timeline.
Here the documentation: API user_timeline doc
The solution to retrieve tweets from a specific day is to extract all the tweets from the user (using a query if you desire) and then filtering the tweets that fulfill the datetime wanted. Moreover, I recommend you to use api.search
because it has until
argument. Thus, we can ask Twitter for taking tweets before a selected time and then filtering all the tweets that fulfill the datetime, just in case there are tweets older than the day you wanted (older than yesterday in your case).
Here I show you my code:
import tweepy
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
import datetime
api_key = "xxxx"
api_secret_key = "xxxx"
access_token = "xxxx"
access_token_secret = "xxxx"
twitter = OAuth1Session(api_key,
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(api_key, api_secret_key)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
# setting datetime
today = datetime.datetime.now()
today = today.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=999999) # set from the beggining of the day
time_to_the_past = 1 # 1 because we want 1 day before today
yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(time_to_the_past)
# Collecting tweets
count = 10 # Set the number of tweets to retrieve
next_day = yesterday + datetime.timedelta(time_to_the_past) # equivalent to today
tweets = tweepy.Cursor(api.search,
until = next_day.date() # format YYYY-MM-DD in datetime. Not string. Twitter only extract tweets before that date
# Extracting desired information from each tweet
tweets_list = []
for tweet in tweets:
# Filtering by date
if yesterday.date() == tweet.created_at.date(): # here we take only tweets from the same date as yesterday in format YYYY-MM-DD
# Accessing to full_text is different between RT and normal tweet
if 'retweeted_status' in tweet._json: # if it is a RT take full_text
full_text = tweet._json['retweeted_status']['full_text']
else: # if it is a normal tweet take the full_text
full_text = tweet.full_text
Make sure you are searching for tweets with less than a week (7 days old) because Twitter API has this limitation. This is, tweets from more than 7 days ago cannot be extracted. I case you want to extend the date limit you need to upgrade your account to a Premium account.
I have used yesterday
as an example, but if you do yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(x)
where x
is a number among 0-7 you can extract tweets from just one day among the 7 days Twitter gives you acces. For example, two_days_before_today = today - datetime.timedelta(2)
being today = "2020-05-10" will extract tweets only from "2020-03-10".
As far as I have play with the code, I think that until
needs to be a datetime object and not a raw string.
I hope you would find it useful for you!
Happy coding!