I'm using the database first implementation of Entity Framework Code First as the data layer for a project, but I've run into a problem.

I need to be able to set a foreign key to null in order to remove an association in the database.

I have 2 objects. One is called Project.

public class Project
    public int ProjectId {get; set;}
    public Employee Employee {get;set;}

public class Employee
    public int EmployeeId {get; set;}
    public string EmployeeName {get;set;}

This matches what I have in the Database:

    ProjectId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    EmployeeId int NULL

    EmployeeId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    EmployeeName varchar(100) NULL

I can assign an Employee to a project. However, I want to be able to remove an employee from a project and have the Employee field be null. In my UI this will show as 'No EMployee Assigned'.

However, short of a direct sql query, I cannot seem to find a way to do this in the entity framework 4.1.

I've tried:

public void RemoveEmployeeFromProject(int projectId)
    var project = Context.Projects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProjectId == projectId);
    project.Employee = null;

But this doesn't do anything.

Does anyone have any ideas?

6 Answers 6


I think the problem is that as far as the context is concerned, you haven't actually changed anything.

You can use the lazy loading approach previously suggested by using virtual, but since you haven't requested that the Employee be loaded yet, it's still null. You could try this:

var forceLoad = project.Employee;
project.Employee = null; // Now EF knows something has changed

Alternatively, explicitly include it in your original request:

var project = Context.Projects.Include(x => x.Employee).FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProjectId == projectId);
project.Employee = null;

On a side note, FirstOrDefault will return null if no Project matches the given id. If you know the project exists, you can just use First. You could even use Single which will assert that there is only one such project. If you continue to use FirstOrDefault, I'd recommend checking for null before working with project.

  • 1
    Yup, that was the issue. Thanks!
    – mccow002
    Jun 21, 2011 at 15:16
  • 2
    Had the same problem, very helpful, got my +1 Aug 28, 2011 at 16:33
  • 2
    I consider this to be a bug in EF. See issue entityframework.codeplex.com/workitem/2074 and related SO question stackoverflow.com/questions/21692401/…
    – Rob Kent
    Sep 24, 2014 at 10:05
  • Lazy load was the culprit, wasted a little time, but this explained and fixed.
    – ransems
    Sep 28, 2017 at 15:21
  • @David Ruttka how this will work when we use Store Procedure var list = _db.Database.SqlQuery<Project>("spGetProjectInfo @EmployeeID", sqlParams).ToListAsync() I am getting list.Employee = null how I can get employees in projects
    – Pritish
    Mar 16, 2018 at 5:12

You can do it this way, which means you don't have to load the related entity.

context.Entry(Project).Reference(r => r.Employee).CurrentValue = null;
  • I like this solution. While verbose, it self-documents what's going on. The accepted answer of forcing a lazy-load or eager loading and then clearing the property is a bit hacky to me, and has the potential to carry a significant penalty due to unnecessary loads. Thanks. Mar 22, 2018 at 20:02

The answer to this is quite simple. EF can't infer the type given the information you've provided.

Just do this instead:

public void RemoveEmployeeFromProject(int projectId)
    var project = Context.Projects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProjectId == projectId);
    project.EmployeeId = (int?)null;

and it will work.


if you enable lazy loading by making the employee property virtual does it work?

public class Project
    public int ProjectId {get; set;}
    public virtual Employee Employee {get;set;}

i'd also suggest encapsulating the remove method as part of your poco class to making the meaning more clear. see this article for more details on that.

public class Project
    public int ProjectId {get; set;}
    public virtual Employee Employee {get;set;}
    public void RemoveEmployee()
        Employee = null;
  • Unfortunately, no, that doesn't work. I think part of the reason is because with lazy loading enabled, values that you don't request are set to null. So when you call Context.SaveChanges, it must ignore null values so it doesn't replace actual values with values it didn't load. This makes sense until you want to actually set a value to null.
    – mccow002
    Jun 21, 2011 at 13:04
  • i figured it had something to do with lazy loading.
    – David Wick
    Jun 21, 2011 at 19:51

You need to include in the linq query, the property to assign, using the same name it has in the Project class:

var project = Context.Projects.Include("Employee").FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProjectId == projectId);

As another workaround, I compiled two methods into a extension method:

public static void SetToNull<TEntity, TProperty>(this TEntity entity, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> navigationProperty, DbContext context = null)
    where TEntity : class
    where TProperty : class
    var pi = GetPropertyInfo(entity, navigationProperty);

    if (context != null)
        //If DB Context is supplied, use Entry/Reference method to null out current value
        context.Entry(entity).Reference(navigationProperty).CurrentValue = null;
        //If no DB Context, then lazy load first
        var prevValue = (TProperty)pi.GetValue(entity);

    pi.SetValue(entity, null);

static PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo<TSource, TProperty>(    TSource source,    Expression<Func<TSource, TProperty>> propertyLambda)
    Type type = typeof(TSource);

    MemberExpression member = propertyLambda.Body as MemberExpression;
    if (member == null)
        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
            "Expression '{0}' refers to a method, not a property.",

    PropertyInfo propInfo = member.Member as PropertyInfo;
    if (propInfo == null)
        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
            "Expression '{0}' refers to a field, not a property.",

    if (type != propInfo.ReflectedType &&
        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
            "Expression '{0}' refers to a property that is not from type {1}.",

    return propInfo;

This allows you to supply a DbContext if you have one, in which case it will use the most efficient method and set the CurrentValue of the Entry Reference to null.

entity.SetToNull(e => e.ReferenceProperty, dbContext);

If no DBContext is supplied, it will lazy load first.

entity.SetToNull(e => e.ReferenceProperty);

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