In one case a template will have

{{input/number value=record.VolM3}}

in another it will have

{{input/number value=record.VolBbl}}

Is there a way to make it such that the end part of the record attribute is accessed programmatically? i.e.

{{input/number value=record.Vol + volUnit}} or
{{input/number value=(concat record.Vol + volUnit)}} 

Is such a thing possible?

  • Hi @Mike R, does your volUnit defined in your controller or component?
    – Mikelemuel
    Oct 6, 2020 at 7:40

2 Answers 2


You can do it like so :

{{input type="number" value=(get record (concat "Vol" "M3"))}}
{{input type="number" value=(get record (concat "Vol" "Bbl"))}}

I tested it with dummy record.

record = {VolM3: "100", VolBbl: "101"}

Here i have created a gist with Working Example

  • 1
    while the actual way you get the value is 100% right it is important to notice that {{input type="number and {{input/number is not the same. The first is the ember internal input component and the second a component at components/input/number.hbs
    – Lux
    Oct 6, 2020 at 23:18

You can do

{{input/number value=(get record (concat "Vol" volUnit))}}

or in modern ember:

<Input::Number @value={{get record (concat "Vol" volUnit)}} />
  • If I got it right from the title of the question {{input/number}} is a helper not a component. So <Input::Number> would be wrong even in modern ember.
    – jelhan
    Oct 13, 2020 at 20:34
  • 1
    actually I wouldnt be so sure here. Historically {{input has been named a helper. Even in ember 3.0 the docs reference "The {{input}} helper", so I assume its just a confusion about the terms component and helper.
    – Lux
    Oct 14, 2020 at 22:45

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