I use RSelenium to run a scraping loop which sometimes (infrequently) meets an error and then stops.
The problem for me is that when this happens and I don't check in on the RSelenium session for a while (for like half an hour or so..?), the RSelenium session closes automatically, which removes logs from the session that I want to check.
How can I stop this from happening -- or more precisely, how can I prevent the RSelenium session (and the Firefox browser opened from RSelenium) from closing when left idle for an extended time period?
The following is how I start the scraping -- I open the Firefox browser like this, then go to the URL that I want and then start scraping.
# Running with the browser open ------------------------------------------------
rD <- RSelenium::rsDriver(port = 4454L, browser = "firefox")
remDr <- rD$client
P.S. Just to clarify, it's okay that the scraping stops once in a while -- that's how I can check for loopholes that I am missing. What I need is a way for me to stop the RSelenium session from closing when left idle. Thank you in advance for any help you can give!