I have a string like this:

"word1 word2 \ngroup of words\n"

I need to split it by spaces except for the spaces that occur between 2 \n, and preserve the \n character. So the result would be an array like this:

 "\ngroup of words\n"

I've found results that achieve the same thing with , instead of \n, but it's not possible for me to replace it with any other character.

I'm currently using the code below, but it doesn't preserve the \n.

input.split('\n').flatMap((s,i)=>i%2?`\n${s.trim()}\n`:s.trim().split(' ')).filter(v=>v)


If the input string has words before \n, there will always be a space before it, i.e. a string can contain word1 \ngroup 1\n, but never word1\ngroup 1\n

A string can also contain multiple groups, like word1 \ngroup 1\n word2 \ngroup 2\n

1 Answer 1


You can use

const text = "word1 word2 \ngroup of words\n";

The /\n.*\n|\S+/g pattern matches multiple occurrences of

  • \n.*\n - a line feed char, then any 0 or more chars other than line break chars (as many as possible) and then a line feed
  • | - or
  • \S+ - 1 or more non-whitespace chars.

See the regex demo.

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