I have two angular methods which checking roles and permission.If one of these condition true that value assigns to managePermsission boolean property in component. These are two methods in service:

checkProjectManagePermission(): Observable<boolean> {
    const currentLoggedUser = this.authService.getCurrentLoggedInUser();
    const reqUrl = `${currentLoggedUser.mPortalWebApi}${CONST.ctrlUrl.projects}/check-project-manage-permission`;

    return this.http.get(reqUrl).pipe(
        map((response: any) => response),
        catchError((error) => _throw(error)),

checkProjectUserRoles(): Observable<boolean> {
    const currentLoggedUser = this.authService.getCurrentLoggedInUser();
    const reqUrl = `${currentLoggedUser.mPortalWebApi}${CONST.ctrlUrl.projects}/${this.projectId}/check-project-user-roles`;

    return this.http.get(reqUrl).pipe(
        map((response: any) => response),
        catchError((error) => _throw(error)),

and this is code in component. I want to set property projectManagePermssions on true if some of this mehod return true, but second method set projectManagePermssions to false always altough service response return true value.

projectManagePermissions = false;

 ngOnInit() {       
    this.showLoader = true;
   if (!this.projectManagePermissions)         

private checkProjectManagePermission() {
            (response) => {              
                this.projectManagePermissions = response                    

private checkProjectUserRoles() {
    return this.projectManagementService.checkProjectUserRoles()
            (response) => {                  
                this.projectManagePermissions = response                

What I missed here in code ? Thanks in advance !

2 Answers 2


try this.

projectManagePermissions = false;
     ngOnInit() {       
        this.showLoader = true;
    private checkProjectManagePermission() {
                (response) => {              
                    this.projectManagePermissions = response;
                    if (!this.projectManagePermissions)  {       
    private checkProjectUserRoles() {
        return this.projectManagementService.checkProjectUserRoles()
                (response) => {                  
                    this.projectManagePermissions = response                

This is an async issue. ngInit completes before checkProjectManagePermission() does. Subscribe to checkProjectManagePermission() inside ngOnInit.

To ensure you don't get a memory leak, assign checkProjectManagePermission() to a variable, and then call unsubscribe on it inside ngOnDestroy.

  • It's still does not work..I put your suggestion. I noticed another strange thing when I go to another link and come back it is a good value if I repeat or refresh the page again it is false @Bytech
    – redux17
    Oct 13, 2020 at 23:24
  • This may help dev.to/jwp/angular-why-doesn-t-my-data-show-up-4efm
    – JWP
    Oct 14, 2020 at 0:22

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