I recently updated VSCode and Prettier is not working anymore on my JS files. Before whenever I saved my JS files, Prettier would add the semicolons for me. Now when I save, no semicolons are added. I have the plugin enabled and checked the settings to make sure I have the semicolon insertions enabled. What could be causing this error?

default settings

enabled settings

semicolons enabled

  • Same here, prettier isn't working anymore where it still worked two days ago (didn't do an update). I've reinstalled vscode but that didn't help.
    – jnaklaas
    Commented Oct 19, 2020 at 11:11

1 Answer 1


This one worked for me:

  1. Select View -> Command Palette (or type CMD + shift+ P)
  2. Type: Format Document
  3. Choose Prettier as your default formatter

Original answer: Why Prettier does not format code in VSCODE?

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