Can I install RAD 10.4 (Delphi , C++) from *.iso file via an batch file on a new computer Licence file *.slip is also available

why : automatic client computer config without manual interaction

  • Worst case scenario, use AutoHotkey instead?
    – Martheen
    Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 7:51
  • You could write a batch file to do this, yes.
    – J...
    Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 10:09
  • If you just need the compilers, but not the IDE (e.g. for a build machine) you can just copy the bin folder to the target system, and run dcc32/dcc64 executables. Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 14:08

1 Answer 1



For RAD Studio (Delphi and CBuilder) 10.4.2 Sydney silent installation mode was reintroduced:

Command Description
/SILENT Runs the installer in silent mode. The progress window is displayed.
/VERYSILENT Runs the installer in very silent mode. No windows are displayed.
/SUPRESSMSGBOXES Suppresses messagge boxes. This has an effect only when combined with /SILENT and /VERYSILENT.
/NOCANCEL Disables canceling the installation process.
/NORESTART Prevents the installer from restarting the system even if it is necessary.
/DIR="x:dirpath" Overrides the default install directory.
/SLIPFILE="x:filepath" Installs a license file.
/FEATURES=featureid Indicates the feature(s) to install, separated with ” ; “. See the list below for the available features’ names.
/LOG="x:filepath" Causes setup to create a log file for debugging the installation process. If the file cannot be created, Setup will abort with an error message.

Note: A license file should be installed on the target machine before silently installing RAD Studio or you can install it using the /SLIPFILE option.

Feature ID Description
delphi Installs all Delphi platforms
delphi_windows Installs Delphi Windows platform
delphi_macos Installs Delphi macOS platform
delphi_linux Installs Delphi Linux platform
delphi_ios Installs Delphi iOS platform
delphi_android Installs Delphi Android platform
cbuilder Installs all C++ Builder platforms
cbuilder_windows Installs C++ Builder Windows platform
cbuilder_ios Installs C++ Builder iOS platform
cbuilder_android Installs C++ Builder Android platform
french Installs French language pack
german Installs German language pack
japanese Installs Japanese language pack
samples Installs Samples
help Installs Help files
teechart Installs TeeChart components
dunit Installs DUnit components
interbase_express Installs InterBase Express components
interbase_2020 Installs InterBase 2020
openjdk Installs AdoptOpenJDK
android_sdk Installs AndroidSDK


rad_studio_example_setup.exe /VERYSILENT /FEATURES=delphi;cbuilder

End of update

Unfortunately, the answer is no (before version 10.4.2)!
The installer does not support an automatic / unattended installation.

I got this information directly from Embarcadero support a few years ago for an older version.
Here is a more recent information from Embarcadero Germany.

For the record:
It was possible for Delphi 2007, e.g.

  • read this first and follow link given here : en.delphipraxis.net/topic/… Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 15:32
  • see Offline Installer : docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Release_Notes Download the installer and the.gof file to the same folder Start the installler It will automatically detect the offline mode and it will use the offline image to install the RAD Studio features. If you use the offline installer, RAD Studio will not be able to access the GetIt Package Manager until you manually switch to "online mode". To do this, we recommend using the GetItCmd.exe tool: GetItCmd.exe -c=useonline Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 15:33
  • 1
    So what? This has nothing to do with your q about installing without interaction! Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 15:42

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