For this specific example, the choice for a static is_char()
is most likely a documentation one. The intent is to impress upon you that the is_char()
method is not contrained to a specific instance of the class, but the functionality is specific to the class itself.
In other words, by making it static
they are saying that is_char()
is a utility function of which can be used irrespective of the state of a given instance. By making it private
, they are saying that you (as a client) should not try to use it. It either does not do what you think it does, or is implemented in a very constrained, controlled way.
@Mark Ransom's answer brings up a good point for the practical use of a private static member function. Specifically, that member function has access to private and protected members of either a static object or a passed instance of an instantiated object.
One common application of this is to abstract a pthread implementation in somewhat of an object oriented way. Your thread function must be static, but declaring it private limits the accessibility of that function to the class (to all but the most determined). The thread can be passed an instance of the class it's being "hidden" in, and now has access to perform logic using the object's member data.
Simplistic Example:
bool createThread();
int getThisObjectsData();
pthread_t myThreadId_;
static void* myThread( void *arg );
bool MyWorkerClass::createThread()
int result = pthread_create(myThreadId_,
/*static*/ void* MyWorkerClass::myThread( void *arg )
MyWorkerClass* thisObj = (MyWorkerClass*)(arg);
int someData = thisObj->getThisObjectsData();