I was looking at the request parser from the boost::asio example and I was wondering why the private member functions like is_char() are static? :

class request_parser
    static bool is_char(int c);

It is used in the function consume which is not a static function:

boost::tribool request_parser::consume(request& req, char input)
  switch (state_)
    case method_start:
    if (!is_char(input) || is_ctl(input) || is_tspecial(input))
      return false;

Only member functions can call is_char() and no static member function is calling is_char(). So is there a reason why these functions are static?

5 Answers 5


This function could easily have been made freestanding, since it doesn't require an object of the class to operate within. Making a function a static member of a class rather than a free function gives two advantages:

  1. It gives the function access to private and protected members of any object of the class, if the object is static or is passed to the function;
  2. It associates the function with the class in a similar way to a namespace.

In this case it appears only the second point applies.

  • 1
    Indeed, that #1 I forgot about in my answer. +1 from me, too.
    – sbi
    Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 20:44
  • 1
    If a static member function takes an instance of that class as an argument, isn't it conceptually a non-static member function? Commented Jun 22, 2011 at 22:24
  • 2
    @Oli: Yes, you basically made the this pointer explicit in the arguments. Commented Jun 23, 2011 at 7:30
  • 3
    +1 for the first bullet, I forgot this. One addition - it also gives the function access to private and protected members of the class itself (read: static variables with private or protected visibility). Commented Jun 23, 2011 at 7:31
  • @Mark Ransom Could you please show me a simple example to fully understand that#1?
    – John
    Commented May 10, 2022 at 1:51

So is there a reason why these functions are static?

Non-static member functions have a hidden additional parameter called this. Passing this doesn't come for free, so making a private function static can be seen as a means of optimization.
But it can also be seen as a means of expressing your requirements/design in your code: If that function doesn't need to refer to any member data of the class, why should it be a non-static member function?

However, changing the type of any member function, public or private, static or not, will require all clients to recompile. If this needs to be done for a private function which those clients can never use, that's a waste of resources. Therefore, I usually move as many functions as possible from the class' private parts into an unnamed namespace in the implementation file.

  • 1
    +1 for the last paragraph: "If this needs to be done for a private function which those clients can never use, that's a waste of resources. Therefore, I usually move as many functions as possible from the class' private parts into an unnamed namespace in the implementation file.". In general, one should stash entities in the smallest encapsulation box possible. Private methods and data members are not accessible to any client outside the class, I never understood why they have to be declared in the class header... but I digress Commented Sep 10, 2020 at 12:44
  • @LaryxDecidua: Name lookup would do weird things if different files saw a class as having a different set of members. Commented Jan 7, 2022 at 1:37
  • So if my understanding is correct: any private static member function is private (so clients can never access or use it) and static (so the function will not refer to any member data of the class in which it is declared). Then, you argue that we should not declare such functions within a class, because then modifying its type will require recompiling the class. Instead, you argue that we should put such functions in unnamed namespaces in the implementation (source) file of the class; it is in a source file, so now changing it will not trigger recompilation, which is a clear benefit. Commented Apr 15 at 3:25

For this specific example, the choice for a static is_char() is most likely a documentation one. The intent is to impress upon you that the is_char() method is not contrained to a specific instance of the class, but the functionality is specific to the class itself.

In other words, by making it static they are saying that is_char() is a utility function of sorts...one which can be used irrespective of the state of a given instance. By making it private, they are saying that you (as a client) should not try to use it. It either does not do what you think it does, or is implemented in a very constrained, controlled way.

@Mark Ransom's answer brings up a good point for the practical use of a private static member function. Specifically, that member function has access to private and protected members of either a static object or a passed instance of an instantiated object.

One common application of this is to abstract a pthread implementation in somewhat of an object oriented way. Your thread function must be static, but declaring it private limits the accessibility of that function to the class (to all but the most determined). The thread can be passed an instance of the class it's being "hidden" in, and now has access to perform logic using the object's member data.

Simplistic Example:

    bool createThread();

    int getThisObjectsData();

    pthread_t    myThreadId_;
    static void* myThread( void *arg );

bool MyWorkerClass::createThread()
    int result =  pthread_create(myThreadId_, 

/*static*/ void* MyWorkerClass::myThread( void *arg )
    MyWorkerClass* thisObj = (MyWorkerClass*)(arg);
    int someData = thisObj->getThisObjectsData();
  • arg->getThisObjectsData() should be thisObj->getThisObjectsData() ?
    – rve
    Commented Jun 23, 2011 at 7:42
  • @rve What do you mean by "to all but the most determined"? Could you please explain that for me?
    – John
    Commented May 10, 2022 at 6:16
  • @John Declaring something private limits the accessibility of that function to the class, but if you are determined enough, you can still access private functions from elsewhere. However that would be an ugly hack which no one should ever do in production code.
    – rve
    Commented May 24, 2022 at 18:21

It's static, since it doesn't require access to any member variables of request_parser objects. Hence, making it static decouples the function since it reduces the amount of state which the function can access.

For what it's worth, it would have been even better if this function wasn't part of the request_parser class at all - instead, it should have been (possibly in a namespace) a free function in the .cpp file.

  • Could you please give detailed reasons for it should have been (possibly in a namespace) a free function in the .cpp file?
    – John
    Commented May 10, 2022 at 6:20

The point isn't where it is used. The question is what it uses. If its definition doesn't use any nonstatic members, I would make the function static, according to the same principle that I wouldn't pass a redundant parameter to any function (unless they were to be used in overload resulion)

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