I'm using Django's class based DetailView generic view to look up an object for display. Under certain circumstances, rather than displaying the object, I wish to back out and issue a HTTP rediect instead. I can't see how I go about doing this. It's for when a user hits an object in my app, but without using the canonical URL. So, for example, on StackOverflow URLs take the form:
You can actually type anything as the seo_friendly_slug part and it will redirect you to the correct canonical URL for the object looked up via the PK.
I wish to do the same in my DetailView. Retrieve the object, check that it's the canonical URL, and if not redirect to the item's get_absolute_url URL.
I can't return an HttpResponseRedirect in get_object, as it's expecting the looked up object. I can't seem to return it from get_context_data, as it's just expecting context data.
Maybe I just need to write a manual view, but I wondered if anyone knew if it was possible?