I am trying to copy files to various folders that have matching filenames.

Here's an extract of the filenames:


I want to create folders that have just the date components from the files above. I have managed to get that far based on the code below:

filenames<-list.files(path = "C:/Projects/TEST", pattern = NULL)
#create a variable that contains all the desired filenames
#create folders based on this variable
lapply(foldernames.unique,dir.create,recursive = TRUE)

Now, how do I copy 20201026_ABCD.txt and 20201026_XYZ.txt to the folder 20201026, so on and so forth?

1 Answer 1


Now you just need to use file.rename to move the files. First i'll change things a bit to capture the non-unique folder names so I don't have to recauclate them. How about this

srcfolder <- "C:/Projects/TEST"
filenames <- list.files(path = srcfolder, pattern = NULL)
#create a variable that contains the desired foldername for each file
foldernames <- file.path("dates", str_extract(filenames,"[0-9]{1,8}"))
foldernames.unique <- unique(foldernames)
#create folders based on unique values of variable
lapply(foldernames.unique, dir.create, recursive = TRUE)

# Now move files
file.rename(file.path(srcfolder, filenames), file.path(foldernames, filenames))

We just build the file names with file.path which is a bit more robust than paste()

  • Awesome, that worked like a charm. Can you please explain the logic behind file.rename? It never occurred to me! Thanks once again.
    – VGu
    Oct 29, 2020 at 0:26
  • 1
    It's just two parameters, old name, new name. As long as you put the paths together, you can move a file to whatever existing folder you like. Renaming a file is basically the same thing as moving it.
    – MrFlick
    Oct 29, 2020 at 0:27

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