I've been working on this project so I get to know how to use custom object and custom object types. The problem I'm having is when I write out System.out.println(fe1.TestAuto); it says identifier expected and I don't know why. Im trying to print out the object but it doesn't work. Another problem I'm having is when I want to use the discountValue() method to give a discount on cost it says double cannot be converted to Feature and I don't know why.

The discountValue() method takes in the input from double c and subtracts that with the double d in the Feature Class.

Here's my code below. Could someone try to help me.

public class Auto
    public String name;
    public double size;
    public Auto(String s, double sz){
        name = s;
        size = sz;
    //step 2: method showFeature()
    public Feature showFeature(Feature f){
        System.out.println("The feature " +f+" costs: "+f.cost);
    public Feature discountValue(String s, double c, double d){
    //Step 3: method to give discount on cost
        double z = c - d.cost;
        return z;

public class TestAuto
   public static void main(String args[]){
    //instantiate an Auto object
    Auto at = new Auto("AMG", 73.5);
    //instantiate a Feature object
    Feature fe = new Feature("Leather Seat", 3000);
    //execute method addFeature with Feature object
    //prepare a new Feature object for receving information
    Feature fe1 = new Feature("", 0);
    //Run method discountValue with a feature and a new value
    fe1 = at.discountValue("GPS", 15000, 0.2);
    //print out the object

public class Feature
    public String name;
    public double cost;
    public Feature(String s, double d){
        //step 1
        name = s;
        cost = d;
    //step 4

  • Class Feature doesn't have a field TestAuto.
    – NomadMaker
    Nov 3, 2020 at 0:34

2 Answers 2


double z = c - d.cost;

d is of type double. It doesn't have a cost field. In fact, it is a primitive, it cannot be dereferenced in the first place (putting a dot after a double is an instant compiler error).

(In Feature.java) System.out.println(fe1.TestAuto);

You can't write this here; inside a class def, you can define fields, methods, constructors, initializers, and inner types. But not actual code (when would it run?) - and that's actual code, thus, not legal. Put it in a method or a constructor or some such.


You can't call System.out.println(fe1.TestAuto); (your step 4) because it isn't in a method of your class Feature. If you remove this line, the rest works (just remove .cost from d.cost.

And I don't understand why you call your class TestAuto, who is your main.

  • thank you for all the tips but I removed the .cost from d and it says on return z incompatible types: double cannot be converted to Feature. what do I do?>
    – hobmnum
    Nov 3, 2020 at 1:05
  • Oh yes sorry I can recommend following correction: step2 public void instead of public Feature because you return nothing, just print something. step 3 if you want to return a Feature change return z with return new Feature(s,z) and you will need to import class Feature or something like that.
    – zerbene
    Nov 3, 2020 at 1:09

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