I'm struggling with the F# type signature notation. For example let's say you have a Fold function:
let rec Fold combine acc l =
that may have this type signature:
('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> list<'b> -> 'a
which I would read as
a function that has three arguments:
- a function that takes an 'a, a 'b and returns an a'
- an 'a
- a list of 'b
and returns an 'a.
But then it would make more sense for my cavemen brain to express it as
('a, 'b -> 'a), 'a, list<'b> -> 'a
I'm sure there is a semantic reason why parameters are separated with an arrow exactly the same way as the function return type, but somehow I'm missing it and didn't found a clear explanation in books/articles so far. Every time I see a type signature I have to stop quite a bit of time to understand it. I feel like I'm just missing that little piece of the puzzle that makes the "decryption" obvious.
Can someone please enlighten me?