When I am using following command to convert .mp4 15 second video to .m3u8 format with hls_time 1 it convert in 15 .ts files using ffmpeg after successful conversation but when open the out.m3u8 file I Found only last four .ts file in out.m3u8 instead of 15 .ts files entries, please help what should I do for getting all 15 files in out.m3u8

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -c:v h264 -flags +cgop -g 30 -hls_time 1 out.m3u8

1 Answer 1


The HLS muxer defaults to creating a playlist with a sliding window of hls_list_size items (default: 5).

To keep all segments you can set the output parameter hls_playlist_type to either vod or event depending on your use case, which forces the hls_list_size to 0 (keep all segments). In your case you need vod.

The documentation can be found here.

  • thanks for this, due to some misunderstanding, I am doing with different way, but after your suggestion I am on a write way. Nov 30, 2020 at 10:49

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